Chapter 1344

Zhang Dongqiang chuckled, and said warmly, "It's okay, this medicine is meant to be kept."

Is he such a stingy person, how can he take back what he took out.

It's just seeing the little girl's eager eyes, it's interesting to be like a puppy, so I thought of teasing her.

Ye Laiyin's mind was running fast, the medicine is good medicine, even if it is very expensive, it is not unaffordable, but because of the relationship between the two families, it is not easy to pay for it;

But I always feel sorry for taking such a good thing from others for nothing.

The life-saving grace of a pill is already a great favor.

Thinking so in his heart, he reached out subconsciously and took the porcelain bottle handed over by Zhang Dongqiang.

"The effect of this medicine is amazing. It is not an ordinary product, but it was developed by the genius doctor Mu of Jiuyou Valley with great painstaking efforts. It consumed a lot of top-level medicinal materials."

Ye Laiyin felt the weight of the porcelain vase in his hand.

Zhang Dongqiang said that this was not for showing off, but he continued, "Mr. Mu likes to travel around, and the dragon sees the beginning and the end, so it is not easy to find him. The medicines he made by himself are even more precious."


"There's only one bottle of this medicine, Second Uncle Ye keep it well, don't use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

That's what it meant, Ye Laiyin was relieved.

It just feels more owed.

He Xiner, who was resting with her eyes closed, listened attentively to her father's words of gratitude. Don't waste money, just like the flood that broke the embankment.

Then, a group of people walked out busily.

Until the sound of footsteps, talking and walking away gradually~
She pursed her thin lips and smiled lightly.

Brother Zhang's stuff is naturally the best.

If you want to say that you owe favors, it is the kind that owes so much that you can't count them.

Also unclear.

Not to mention anything else, Dabai was sent by Brother Zhang, and this favor is greater than the sky.

It will never be up.

Dabai is a priceless treasure...


It is said that Ye Feifeng stared blankly at the man who looked like a banished fairy gradually walking away, hiding in the night;
The sweet mood when we first met has long since disappeared without a trace, and I only feel miserable in my heart.

Brother Zhang is so good, the elders value him, everyone wants to say a few words to him, that's fine;

But Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, and the little one, Wang Jinling, all smiled and crowded in front of him, looking very familiar with him.

But she didn't even say a word.

Ye Feifeng didn't understand why.

Big brother is like this, he is his own sister, but he is not as close as them, and big brother Zhang is like this.

I feel bad in every possible way.

Their eyes unconsciously glanced at Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi and Wang Jinling. Because of the hot weather, they were all dressed in thin and soft dresses, gorgeous and elegant, elegant and dusty~
Ye Feifeng was sour.

Their parents are all doting on their daughters, and their second uncle and second aunt are also very forgiving of Wang's cousin, and they don't need her for anything.

As for her, she wore a fine cotton dress that was probably new, and she made it herself. Due to poor craftsmanship, she didn't dare to embroider on the skirt, and only embroidered a few red plum flowers on the collar and cuffs.

She was so happy when she put on the new clothes, she felt that the new clothes were so beautiful.

But now, with the few people in Ling Luohua clothes, she only felt that this dress was poor, very poor, and there was nothing poorer than it.

Originally, her father also gave a lot of money, saying that when she grew up, she would cut and buy some better clothes and make some decent clothes, but the money never came to her at all, and was all taken by her. The mother bully went, and only cut a few bolts of muslin to dismiss herself.

Why is it that other people's mothers are so good, but she has such a selfish mother?

A dense hatred hit her heart, Ye Feifeng squeezed her hands tightly, the hard nails pinched her palms with pain. .

(End of this chapter)

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