The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1352 It's just so unfortunate

Chapter 1352 It's just so unfortunate

In the shade of Xishan, in a very remote corner, is the place where Yeh Osmanthus is buried.

When it was just dawn, Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng went up the mountain and dug a deep hole.

I was afraid that the coffin would be left at home for a long time, which would attract more commotion; I was also afraid that the noisy old Qian in the vegetable garden would become more tossed when he heard the crying;

In the midst of crying, Lao Yetou twitched the corners of his mouth, and through the narrow gap left, he took a last look at Yao Nu, his eyes were red, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Seal the coffin."

With Ye Shitian's movement, he nailed the mouth of the coffin tightly in two or three strokes, and without further delay, the coffin was carried onto the mule cart, led by Ye Xusheng, and accompanied by Ye Mancang and Dabai to Xishan.

The female relatives are sent to the west gate, even if they are the whole family, after all, according to the custom, funerals are not allowed.

Not to mention Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin and Lao Yetou.

Therefore, it was Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng who dug people up yesterday, and they are the two who buried people today.

After the two put away their irons and took Dabai down the mountain, only a brand new tomb was left standing alone in the shade...

That willful girl who was overly pampered by the old Qian family stayed at the age of 17 forever.


Guan Xiuyuan settled the affairs of the restaurant, rented a mule cart, and hurried back to Yejia Village before noon.

As soon as I entered the village, I felt that the atmosphere was not right, as if something serious had happened.

After he figured out what was going on, his expression changed dramatically.

When he came back, he was going to discuss the marriage with Ye Laijin, not only about the marriage, but also to get engaged immediately, the sooner the better.

Originally, he thought that boy Sheng was a scholar, and although he hadn't obtained the honor of a scholar, he was still a child, so even the county magistrate shouldn't go too far.

Go through this level first, and then slowly figure out a solution for the future.

After all, the person surnamed Pan doesn't have the ability to cover the sky with one hand.

But now, I can't mention it.

Such a big event just happened to Lao Ye's family, and it was a time when he was sad, how could he have the time to talk about marriage?
Besides, as soon as the aunt left, the nephew couldn't wait to get engaged. It's not a good thing to hear about it.

No matter what the customs are, it's fine not to hold funerals, or to observe filial piety, but human relations and etiquette cannot be completely abolished. There is no one who has just buried a person in the front foot, and the wedding ceremony in the back foot.

It's just so unfortunate.

That being the case, I can only think of other ways.

Guan Xiuyuan went straight to Lao Ye's house in deep thought, comforted Lao Ye, and said his condolences to everyone before returning home with Liu Shi, Guan Cuizhi and Heizi.

"Second uncle? I haven't contacted you for many years. Why did you suddenly write a letter asking me to play?"

Guan Cuizhi stared at her beautiful almond eyes, with a curious look on her face, innocent and cute, innocent and innocent, Guan Xiuyuan couldn't help but reach out and pat her on the head, with loving eyes and a smile on her lips, "It's your cousin who misses you, she will be there next year If you want to leave the cabinet, you won't be able to meet easily in the future, so I just want to invite you to stay for a while."

Hearing this, Guan Cuizhi couldn't help curling her lips.

Ever since Guan Xiuyuan's grandfather settled in Yejia Village, he has lived in a single household, but he had few heirs, only one seedling. At the beginning, he was rejected by the villagers. Working desperately, he quickly bought [-] acres of fertile land, and he has established a firm foothold in Yejia Village.

With the family property, the old man finally heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that in the future he would have to provide a scholar.

As long as you have fame and fame, you will be a disciple of the emperor, and you will no longer be afraid of being bullied.

But at that time, Guan Xiuyuan's father had already grown up, and it was impossible for him to pick up a pen and become a scholar.

Therefore, Guan Xiuyuan, as the eldest grandson, was placed with high hopes. He was enrolled in a school to read and write since he was a child.

Guan Pingyuan, who was two years younger than Guan Xiuyuan, did not receive such treatment.

After all, the farmer’s family is digging food in the earthen nest, and life is difficult. It is already difficult to provide a scholar, and there is no extra financial resources to support the second son to study.

(End of this chapter)

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