Chapter 1360 Her Heart Is Empty

"It's better to wait until Zhi'er wakes up and make up your own mind."

Thinking of these bad things, Liu sighed softly.

Guan Xiuyuan patted her hand lightly, "It will pass, everything will be fine."

The little beauty Guan Cuizhi, who was broken in love and hurt, cried so hard that her head was dizzy, half-drowsy and half asleep, and she didn't wake up until it was getting dark.

His eyes were swollen from crying, and even though Liu Shi had carefully applied cold compresses, they were still swollen and uncomfortable.

Subconsciously frowning, she rolled her eyes and remained silent.

Brother Zhang is leaving, and her heart is empty...


It was night, and Ye Xusheng, who hadn't had a chance to talk to the little girl for several days, originally wanted to accompany He Xiner after dinner.

She had just recovered from a serious illness, and her body was still weak, so she couldn't go for a run in the deep mountains.

The two are alone and can read together, or she writes fairy tales and "Ome" by herself.

Just thinking about it makes me feel that the years are quiet.

It so happened that during dinner, Ye Laiyin mentioned Zhang Dongqiang, saying that he owed him a huge favor, and he couldn't come up for a while, and invited him to come to his house as a guest when Xu Sheng took a rest.

At that time, there will be a decent table, which can be regarded as an expression of gratitude.

Ye Xusheng realized that there were still three days before Dongqiang would leave Yejiacun.

This farewell, I don't know when and what month will see you again.

So, he didn't care about accompanying He Xiner, and hurried to Zhang's house after grabbing a couple of bites of food.

After all, Xin'er can see her every day, not in a day or two.


"Uncle Zhang isn't here?"

Three candlesticks and nine candles illuminated the whole room like daylight.

Zhang Dongqiang was dressed in a moon-white brocade suit, and Ye Xusheng was dressed in a black dress.

Two people, one white and one black, sat facing each other.

Bronze incense burner, cigarette fumigation, like orchids blooming, fresh and elegant.

Ye Xusheng raised his eyebrows. If it had been in the past, Dongqiang would not have had such a luxury.

What's the situation now?
Is it because you are in a bad mood, so you smoked it specially?

Just looking at his serious appearance, he didn't dare to say, he didn't dare to ask~
"Went to town..."

Zhang Dongqiang didn't hide it from him, and told Ye Xusheng about Pan Mingwei's disgusting bastard who threatened Guan Xiuyuan.

It's also to remind him that there is a beautiful little girl in the family, so it should be more interesting.

Ye Xusheng...

The look in Dong Qiang's eyes is really indescribable.

"A relative of the magistrate's family?"

Inexplicably, there was a faint uneasiness in my heart.

Dongqiang is like a majestic mountain piercing into the clouds. He stands quietly behind him, giving him great courage. No matter what happens, he is fearless.

Once this mountain leaves, he can only rely on himself for everything.

If Xin'er encounters this kind of thing, how can he protect her well?
Perhaps sensing his uneasiness, Zhang comforted calmly, "If you have any difficulties, just ask Lao Sheng for help."


Ye Xusheng nodded slightly.

My heart settles down.

"Nothing to do, go for a few laps in the mountains? Or go to the hot springs?"

Thinking of parting, a touch of melancholy came to my heart, and my heart was heavy. Instead of staying in the house bored, I might as well go to the mountains for some activities.

It's been a long time since I ran with Dong Qiang, and he misses it very much.

A smile flashed across Zhang Dongqiang's eyes, "Okay, go up the mountain."

On a midsummer night, the breeze is blowing, cool and fresh.

There is no moon in the sky, and the stars are sparse.

In the silent mountain forest, two figures, one black and one white, ran quickly, waking up the birds resting on the tree, and flew away with flapping wings.

The two rushed all the way, first went to Sapphire Lake, smelling the rich and fragrant orchid fragrance, standing quietly by the lake, listening to the insects and katydids jumping.

"Go to the hot spring pool."

"it is good."

The night is getting deeper, and the mountain wind is cool, blowing on people's body is cool.

After a long time, Zhang Dongqiang spoke slowly.

In the silent night, Dabai's roar was suddenly heard, and the expressions of the two of them changed drastically. Without saying a word, they raised their legs and ran wildly...

(End of this chapter)

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