The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1369 Don't be softhearted towards this kind of person

Chapter 1369 Don't be softhearted towards this kind of person
Speaking of which, Ye Xusheng, who was burning with anger, made up his mind to teach He Jiaming a big lesson, and he couldn't take it lightly.

With the help of experienced Zhang Tieniu, there is no difficulty.

It's just that when he saw He Jiaming's still immature face, he felt mixed feelings and felt uncomfortable in every way.

That face combined the advantages of the second uncle and the second aunt into one, with a pretty face, red lips and white teeth.

The son who grew up in the brocade heap, dressed in brocade clothes, has an extraordinary demeanor~
Just look at that clean face, a pure and harmless boy.

Ye Xusheng was in a trance for a moment.

Zhang Tieniu saw it and couldn't help sighing.

Brother Laiyin is an upright and straightforward man, he really has no wrong thoughts, let alone Wang, he is gentle, gentle, virtuous and virtuous.

How did such a beast come into being?
Hey, not right.

Girl Xin was raised by them, that child is pure-hearted, unparalleled in intelligence, and good-natured, no matter who she talks to, she always smiles, not to mention how lovely she is.

He just liked that kid.

It is said that nourishing kindness is greater than greatness, but that is not the reason.

Brother Laiyin and his family of three are living happily, and they don't care about such beasts at all.

Although this thing is from Lao Ye's family, it has been raised by others long ago.

For the sake of my own rich life, I am not afraid of being struck by lightning even if I make such a cruel move!

"Xu Sheng, don't be soft-hearted towards this kind of person."

He made a deep voice, with a hint of coldness.

The damn dog is a man with a beastly face, he can do anything, and if he is soft-hearted for a while, he will only leave endless troubles.

He didn't want to watch his apprentice's family have an accident.

Besides, he was about to go to the front line with his master soon, so he couldn't protect the little apprentice all the time, so naturally he had to get rid of this disaster before he could rest assured.

Ye Xusheng regained consciousness instantly.

"Well, that's what Uncle Zhang said."

"Let's do it. The mountain road ahead is rugged, and the horses are startled. Whether they live or die depends on his fate."

According to him, he should have directly killed that kid outside the gate of He Mansion, why bother.

But when he thought of Ye Laiyin, he couldn't help but sighed again.

No wonder Boy Sheng was in trouble, but when he thought of Brother Laiyin, who is straightforward and down-to-earth, he also felt a little bit uneasy.

That's all, it's over, it's useless to think too much.

If this kid can calm down after learning a lesson, that's fine. If he still dares to make trouble, even if he is not around, he will have his own way to kill him.

Zhang Tieniu's domineering aura leaked from the side, and Ye Xusheng felt it immediately, and he couldn't help being refreshed, and he shot quickly without hesitation.

This is the road that must be taken to get to Mingjin Academy. It is winding and winding, and the slope is steep and steep. If the horse is frightened, it is uncertain where it will go and what will happen in the end. It really depends on God's will.

He was the only car on the whole road, and he was not afraid of colliding with others. Neither of them felt stressed.

It was also because He Jiaming was unwell that he got up a little later than usual, and everything that was postponed was late, and he didn't meet a single classmate on this road.

He couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Young master is not feeling well, you should rest at home..."

The boy Ah Sheng tried to persuade him all morning, but he didn't persuade his ailing master, he still went to school sick.

"Needless to say, studies are the most important thing."

"If madam knows that the young master doesn't cherish herself so much, she will definitely feel distressed, and she will also blame the young man for not serving him wholeheartedly."

Thinking of that dignified woman, He Jiaming was silent for a while.

"Young master—ah——"

The horse galloped wildly, and the master and servant in the carriage fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

"Daqing, Daqing..."

In desperation, the two shouted.

All this happened so suddenly, when Jia Daqing, who was driving the car, didn't react, he fell off the car headlong, and the startled horse lost all restraint and ran wildly...

It wasn't until the carriage ran out of sight that Ye Xusheng turned around slowly, followed Zhang Tieniu in front, and left silently.

(End of this chapter)

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