The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 138 Call Me Xiner From Now On

Chapter 138 Call Me Xiner From Now On
He and his mother went to the backyard with the bowls and bowls. After putting down their things, Mrs. Wang urged He Xiner, who was always by her side, "I don't need you here, hurry back to the house."

"I'll go with my mother"

He Xin'er didn't want to leave by herself, and her mother became restless again, so she wanted to spend more time with her bridesmaid.

"I really can't do anything about you"

Wang shook her head and smiled lightly.

It wasn't until they watched Mrs. Wang drink the medicine that the two of them walked back together.

After being hit, Xiaoqian did not act as a demon for the time being, and Wang also cooked dinner. Although the food was tasteless, no one said anything.

As night fell, the whole Old Ye's house was quiet, He Xiner gently opened the door, and tiptoed to the east across the courtyard.

After welcoming her into the door, Ye Xusheng first poured her a glass of water, "Is it cold? Have some water?"

"It's not cold, it's not too late at night."

Smiling Mimi took the water, He Xiner was very well-behaved.

"Did you not eat well tonight? Have a few more snacks."

"Well, thank you, the hall brother also eats."

"Brother is not hungry, so there is no need to eat."

Ye Xusheng likes to watch her eat, her cheeks are bulging, like a greedy little squirrel, very cute.

When she finished eating, she naturally handed over a clean handkerchief to "wipe"

"You said you wanted to change your name today? Are you serious? Did you tell your second uncle and aunt?"

"I haven't told my parents yet, I'll make an appointment with my cousin first, and then I'll tell them."

Ye Xusheng took a book from the shelf, "Would you like to flip through the book?"

"Hehe, I don't know many characters. Brother Datang will read it for me."

Ye Xusheng had no idea for a moment, and thought for a while, "I praise girls a lot, such as pure and clean, with picturesque features, beautiful and beautiful, intelligent, clever and well-behaved..."

"Stop, stop, stop, big brother, do you think that's a description of me?"

He Xiner was so happy that she fell backwards.

Ye Xusheng looked at her fixedly, his eyes were full of tenderness...

"What kind of names do girls like? Like Xue'er, Shuang'er, is this good?"

Putting down the devilish laughter, He Xiner still grinned, "I don't think Xue'er and Shuang'er are suitable for me."

Really, Ye Xusheng nodded.

He Xiner showed a sly smile, "Brother Hall, my name is Xiner, does it sound good?"

"Xin'er? Xin, Xin, nice, nice to hear."

"Xin, Xinxiang, like the fragrance of orchids, okay."

He Xiner...

Is it so esoteric?
"I just hope to have a warm and warm home, hehe..."

Does it seem too uneducated?

The expression on Ye Xusheng's face froze for a moment, a cozy and warm home?What a simple wish!

Clenched hands tightly...

The next day, He Xiner announced her new name "Ye Xiner", and told her parents proudly, "From now on, you will call me Xiner, and Erni is just a nickname. When I grow up, don't call me a nickname. "

Surprised, Wang was stunned, "You will always be a child in mother's eyes."

Ye Laiyin, who was also taken aback, reacted quickly and laughed, "Ah, my daughter has grown up, and I don't like the name my father chose!"

"I don't mean to dislike my father, it's just that Erni is just a little baby. She's grown up now, so of course she has to have a big name."

Acting cute and coquettish, pouting her lips and puffing her cheeks, soft and waxy, Ye Laiyin felt soft in her heart, "Okay, okay, okay, grown up, grown up! Haha"

Mrs. Wang was also confused, "Have you grown up yet? Isn't this still a child's mind, thinking about it is always coming out?"

So, in order to achieve her goal, He Xiner persisted and entangled Wang Shi again, dragging her long voice "Mother~Mother~"

"Ouch, that makes me so soft-hearted, I never saw you act like a baby when I was a child!" With a smile all over her face, Wang squeezed He Xiner's little face affectionately, unable to put it down.

"Then it's settled, call me Xin'er from now on!"

He Xiner pretended to be proud and raised her head to make a high-profile announcement, and even blinked mischievously~
Ye Laiyin, who couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Wang Shi, who was also smiling, and she said, "Xiner, Xiner, um, it sounds good."

Hehe, He Xiner has a face full of success, she doesn't need to pretend right now, she's really pissed!
(End of this chapter)

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