Chapter 1380

Osmanthus fragrans was killed by that beast, what about the third child?
Even if you think about it, you won't be able to survive.

That bastard is going to set Lao Ye's house on fire, what else can he not do?
A beast that dares to kill even its parents and relatives is not afraid of thunder and thunder.

Old Qian hated the person she sent away with her own hands.

In her heart, it is the seed of the old Ye family, so she should contribute to the old Ye family, seek benefits for the old Ye family, and the most important thing is to seek benefits for her.

After all, without her scheming as a nurse, that kid would just be digging in the dirt, how could he live such a good life.

This is her grandson, and he has enjoyed her favor, so it is fitting for her to enjoy the wealth and honor of the He Mansion.

Isn't this a matter of course?

For this, she waited for a long time.

However, when that person found out about his life experience, he was not only ungrateful, but even wanted to kill someone to silence him.

Damn second child, why did such a thing happen.

There is also that bitch of the Wang family, who is virtuous and filial on the surface, but gave birth to a beast who forgot his ancestors, so he is not a good person.

Say no, that thing will follow her.

Old Qian thought about it bitterly, hating Lao Yetou, Ye Laiyin, and Wang, and finally she fixed her eyes on He Xiner.

If it weren't for her, there wouldn't be so many things.

Their old Ye's family gave the golden grandson of the family to the He family, and raised this dead girl for the surnamed He, but suffered a huge loss.

At this moment, she will never admit that it was for 50 taels of silver.

With the current financial resources of Lao Ye's family, they are not short of that little money at all, so she feels that she has lost a lot.

Her grandson has completely become the surname of He, and in turn wants to kill the old Ye family to silence him, so why should the old Ye family treat that dead girl well?

Being rejected by his biological parents, the second child still holds it in his hands as a treasure, and the dead old man still values ​​it in every possible way, why?
Born to be a thing that everyone hates, he should have drowned in a piss!
Old Qian's hatred is overwhelming!
The one surnamed He abducted her grandson, and threw an unwanted slut to Lao Ye's family to raise, and finally killed her son, her daughter, and even her whole family!
She hates the surname He.

The surname He broke the neck of her heartbroken old girl, right?

She remembered this hatred.

She will definitely break the neck of the bitch too!
Old Qian seemed to be nervous, his eyes glowed green, and he ate the braised pork in big mouthfuls.

She has to eat enough to get revenge!

"I don't know where Cuizhi and the others went?"

"And I can't get there."

He Xiner sighed and put down the scissors in her hand, held up the embroidery frame to look carefully at the light, and became even more frowning, "This thing is too difficult to embroider, there is no sense of hierarchy, the orchids are not beautiful, the butterflies are not vivid, oh~ "

"It's very good, the orchids are green and the leeks are..."

Ye Yuanyuan didn't say a word, He Xiner's face turned green, and she gave her a resentful look, "Your orchids are like leeks~"

"Yes, my orchids look like leeks."

The other party didn't take it seriously, and nodded to express her approval of her statement, eating melon and drinking herbal tea leisurely and carefreely, not to mention being carefree.

"I'm dead!"

He Xiner didn't even want to make a fuss, so she just lay down on the table and pretended to be dead.

The villain Wang Jinling squatted on the ground, watching Daha and Erha eating.

"Sister Xin'er, you are going to die for this birthday gift. If your cousin knows about it, how dare you accept it?"

"Don't let the hall brother know, or we will break the relationship."

"Hey, sister Ling, don't pay attention to her. I think she's just too picky. There's nothing she can see."

"That's right, that's right!"

He Xiner, who was squeezed out by the two together, wanted to cry but had no tears.

Make friends carelessly!
(End of this chapter)

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