The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1383 Just like my own family

Chapter 1383 Just Like My Home

Zeng Li's temperament is not polite, he is very casual.

He belongs to the kind of person who, the more you don't let me do it, I insist on doing it, and he always wrestles with him at home.

Because he didn't like his dear father from the bottom of his heart, he said that he was a scholar and didn't know how to make money, and his family was poor, so he didn't worry about it.

Xu Shi was used to confronting his father since he was a child, that's why he developed a rebellious temperament, and he didn't take much care of elders or not.

But now, he is in love with the charming daughter of the old Ye family, and he wants to abduct her back home, and he is counting on the elders to make decisions for him, so he must not offend her.

"Thank you Grandpa"

He is the kind of person who can jump three feet high when he wants to irritate people, but he is sweet enough to coax people.

Secretly glanced at Ye Xusheng who was sitting with He Xiner, he smiled innocently, "Grandpa, don't blame me for bothering."

"Why don't you bother or not? Where do you come from so many etiquettes? They are all from our own people, really."

"Hey, I listen to Grandpa."

"It should be like this, just like my own home."

"Hey, that's what my dad told me when I went out."

He Xiner glanced at him suspiciously, but was caught by him immediately, and returned with a big smile.

Ye Xusheng frowned lightly.

Regarding the situation of the Zeng family, Old Master Ye and the others all knew about it.

At the beginning, Ye Shitian and the Bai family were interested in Zeng Li's father, who was a scholar, so they married the Zeng family.

According to Ye Shitian's thinking, it is best to find a talented man to be his in-law. In the future, there will be men who will enlighten his grandson.

However, in Pingning Town, there are not many scholars with fame.

Almost all those who have the reputation of being a scholar have become teachers, and under normal circumstances they will not get married with mud legs.

Ye Shitian and his wife settled for the next best thing and chose the Zeng family.

For the blind worship of scholars, Ye Shitian respected his in-laws very much.

In Zeng Li's eyes, a poor, pedantic, and inflexible person, in Ye Shitian's eyes, is a very tall existence, especially if he can read a lot of poems, he sounds very educated.

Therefore, the old Ye Touye often heard him praise his in-laws.

Now that Zeng Li mentioned his father, Old Master Ye's energy visibly lifted.

Lao Ye's family didn't have the rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, but they were all used to talking at the dinner table.

Hearing him talking about Zeng Tongsheng for a while, he inevitably started talking more, even Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin had the same mentality, and talked with Zeng Li in a kind tone.

The atmosphere is surprisingly good, harmonious, not to mention lively.

Ye Xusheng remained silent.

The female relatives didn't care much about the topic of the old man, they ate quietly, occasionally chatting and laughing in a low voice, harmonious and warm.

"Big brother, are you still going out tonight?"

Until now, He Xiner didn't know that Zhang's father and son had left.

It was Ye Xusheng who didn't tell her to let her go.

He himself was in a low mood, so he didn't want Xin'er to be sad too.

"At home, waiting for Xin'er."

Hearing Xin'er's tone, it seemed like she was asking him out, Ye Xusheng raised the corners of his lips, smiled like a spring breeze, and looked at her tenderly, as if he wanted to look into her eyes.

He Xiner leaned forward, giggling, "Brother Hall's tone is so ambiguous, if you don't know, you still think you are waiting for your lover~"

Ye Xusheng...

He pursed his thin lips lightly, pressing down the raised corners of his lips.

There are smiles on the brows and corners of the eyes, and the clear eyes are like starlight~
The two were full of laughter, and in Zeng Li's eyes, he felt a little uncomfortable.

It's just cousins, do you need to be so close?
He glanced at Ye Feifeng who was eating silently, and wondered what was wrong with this person, who was cold and indifferent to his own sister, but showed great hospitality to the cousin in the next room.

Are scholars so confused?
(End of this chapter)

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