Chapter 1385 Forever Together

The chattering person was instantly as quiet as a chicken.

With the soft fragrance and gentle jade in his arms, Ye Xusheng's restless heart was instantly soothed.

The unique fragrance of girls lingers on the nose, easily intoxicating.

His heart is at ease.

This is a hug that seeks comfort, without the slightest intention of being charming.

Dong Qiang has already left, and I don't know when we will see you again, he is already sad; but there are still people playing tricks on his little girl, and he is even more uneasy.

Just thinking about his little girl marrying someone else as his wife made him feel as if he was suffocated.

Only by hugging her can I feel at ease.

He Xiner was dumbfounded by being hugged into his arms domineeringly by the lobby brother.

After being stunned for a moment, she has already reacted.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Cuizhi went on a long trip, she and Yuanyuan didn't feel at ease, they tried every means to dissuade her, after they sent her away, they lost even the interest in playing around, and didn't even have the thought to design Laoshizi toys, there was always something wrong Once something is made, Cuizhi doesn't like the idea of ​​what to do with it.

Yuanyuan even said that if Cuizhi didn't come back when picking the fruit, she would go and pick her up, so Dabai knew the way, so she wasn't afraid of not being able to find a place.

She is very much in favor of it.

Without Cuizhi, there would be no motivation to serve wild fruits.

She and Yuanyuan treat Cuizhi like this, brother Datang only treats Zhang Datang even worse.

The sudden parting of an irresistible best friend is already sad, but Brother Zhang has not yet returned...

"I miss Brother Zhang too~"

"Oh, after Dabai comes back, he will definitely be sad to know that Brother Zhang has left quietly."

Thinking of that Zhilanyushu man, He Xiner felt a little depressed. She missed Brother Zhang, Cuizhi, and Dabai.

She leaned on the shoulder of the eldest brother, pursed her mouth and muttered, her voice was muffled.

"I really hope that the people I like can be together forever and never be separated."

Ye Xusheng's heart skipped a beat.

Never part?
That's what he thought too.

"Brother will always be with Xin'er, okay?"

"Well, we'll be together forever."

Muttering softly, coquettishly, the little girl is acting like a spoiled child.

Ye Xusheng's heart seemed to have a feather passing by lightly, causing layers of ripples, disturbing his heart lake~

"Our money is not old or young. Even in the capital, we can buy a big house. Wherever the big hall brother works, our family will move. Hee hee, we will live together forever."

The smile on Ye Xusheng's lips paused slightly.

"Well, is the courtyard with three entrances enough? It doesn't seem too spacious. It can't be four entrances. Forget it, just go straight to the big mansion with five entrances. If you don't have enough money, just earn more."

"The big cousin needs a separate yard to marry a wife and have children, and the little cousin needs to live alone when he grows up..."

The little girl lay obediently on his shoulder, and he was satisfied in his heart.

But when she said about marrying a wife and having children, he couldn't laugh anymore.

A deep sense of powerlessness hits my heart~
He patted her head helplessly, gently let go of her, and looked down at her bright eyes, where there was his own shadow, and his heart was satisfied again.

"Before, what did Xin'er want to do with elder brother?"

"Oh, if you don't tell my cousin, I almost forgot..."

Usually he is the sharpest person, and Jiang Jiang speaks quite simply, but now he suddenly twisted and squeezed, his pair of snow-muscled hands twisted and twisted, and he was about to become twisted.

Ye Xusheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold it, then was startled.

Cellulose hands are as smooth as fat, soft as boneless~
There is a spring water rippling in my heart.

Compared with the hug just now, it made his heart palpitate even more.

Just when he was slightly distracted, He Xiner chuckled, grabbed his hand with her backhand, and shook it vigorously, "Brother Hall, I have something to discuss with you..."

The heartbeat was so strong that it felt like it could jump out of my throat as soon as I spoke.

Ye Xusheng's cheeks were flushed.

"Xin'er just say something."

(End of this chapter)

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