The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1406 Who else is the master

Chapter 1406 Who else is the master

Ye Xusheng listened to her chatter quietly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his eyes were gentle~
"It's getting hotter and hotter in the past two days. The sun is so hot that it makes people dizzy..."


"Shall we make ice at noon? Make a few more pots and put them in every room, especially in the kitchen. Let the mother and Aunt Cao watch the ice pots to make dumplings, hehe~"


"My cousin has been clamoring to bake a cake for my cousin two days ago, and she is gearing up to show off her skills. Haha, I don't need to do anything, I just need to direct from the sidelines."

"Congratulations to Xin'er for being a master too."

"Hey, low key, low key."

He Xiner answered it casually, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Also be a master?

Who else is the master?
Her eyes widened suddenly.

Great white!

In the entire Old Ye family, only Dabai was promoted to be a master.

"Big brother is good or bad, the baby wants to break up with you, so I won't be with you."

The little girl purposely acted petty, raised her pink fist and beat him lightly.

Ye Xusheng's heart stopped suddenly.

Knowing that she was joking on purpose, at that moment, he felt suffocated and sad, his heart seemed to be submerged in sea water...

Dull pain in the chest.

He quickly turned around, put his hands on the little girl's slender shoulders, and said with a seriousness that he had never done before, "Brother, I apologize to you..."

When the anxious young man met the little girl's smiling eyes, his mood brightened immediately, and the corners of his lips could not stop fluttering.

"Unexpectedly, the big hall brother still has such a side, um, pure and innocent, hahaha..."

The magic sound pierced his ears, and he felt at ease.

"Queer spirits~"

Enough of laughing, He Xiner smiled and took out the hair tie from Mimi's purse, "Brother lobby, comb my hair."


"The baby has grown up, don't use the double-haired buns anymore, brother hall, give me another bun."

"What style does Xiner want?"

"Hmm~ Let's divide the girl into a bun. There are two hair rings on the top of the head, which is so interesting. The rest of the hair is combed into a side ponytail and draped over the shoulders, how demure~"

"The baby's hair is so good, smooth as silk, so don't put it all up. In the future, I will tie it into a ponytail or put the rest on my shoulders softly, hehe..."

Ye Xusheng combed her hair gently.

There is a kind of emotion in my heart that there is a girl in my family who has just grown up.

The little girl grew up overnight~
He Xin'er, who was combing her hair back and hanging her hair in a bun, was a little excited. She held up a copper border and looked left and right, and couldn't stop being so happy.

"Hee hee, Yuanyuan and cousin must be envious of the baby's beautiful hairstyle!"

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curved slightly, and he was in a good mood.

He got up and went to the bedroom, when he came back, the little girl kept taking pictures of herself.

It is inevitable that some want to laugh.

"Take this pearl flower and try it."

Hearing this, He Xiner looked over.

He saw a beautiful brocade box in his hand, which had not been opened yet.

She reached out to take it, and slowly opened the bright red velvet brocade box, inside lay a pair of pearl bead flowers exuding glittering pearls, extremely beautiful.

"Wow, that's beautiful!"

"When did the big brother buy it?"

"While in town."

He Xiner thanked her with a smile, tilted her head and asked the hall brother to put it on for her, and then she held the bronze mirror again and became smug.

"Haha, with such a beautiful bead flower, Yuanyuan wants to be jealous!"

Ye Xusheng pursed his lips and smiled.

He Xiner, who was playing tricks on her mind, no longer cared about looking in the mirror, she dragged Ye Xusheng and ran away, "Let's go, go get her!"

The two were chatting and laughing as they walked to the front yard, when they happened to meet Zeng Li who was holding a large bouquet of flowers.

"Sister Xin'er, flowers for you."

Ye Xusheng's good mood early in the morning was completely ruined, his brows twitched.

This kid looked like he was deeply hurt yesterday, he thought that the other party would retreat in spite of difficulties, but today he got entangled again.

(End of this chapter)

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