The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1412 2 People Are 1 Startled

Chapter 1412 Both of them were stunned

Mrs. Liu is an authentic country woman who doesn't know a single word, so she can only rely on asking. After asking all the way, she staggered to the outside of a spacious house.

It turned out that many people were loading the carriages, one after another, the carriages were lined up in an orderly manner, and a group of well-dressed men were busy carrying them around.

For a while, Mrs. Liu didn't know who to turn to.

Fortunately, someone saw her. She was a clever kid with a good attitude. "This aunt, the backyard of the Escort Bureau, and idlers are not allowed to approach her."

"Backyard? Where is your shopkeeper? I want to hire a bodyguard."

Mrs. Liu was in a hurry, her throat was about to smoke from running, her voice was a little hoarse, Ye Dahu in the crowd didn't pay attention.

That Ye Dahu who died trying to save the Liu family that day is now a soldier under King Ping's command.

There is a saying in the art of war: before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first.

The 20 troops of the Northern Wei Dynasty came under pressure, threatening the safety of the dynasty. Uncle Qin and the Empress Dowager Qin dared not fight. They only wanted to seek peace and sent so-called peace ambassadors to the Northern Wei Dynasty for peace talks.

Ping Wang Zhu Hua personally led the troops to the expedition, but he could not count on the support of the imperial court. Even the food and grass had to be raised by himself. He set off from Qingzhou Mansion and headed north all the way. All the counties he passed were ordered to raise food.

Dangqiu County is the only place leading to the border, and his troops have been stationed here for a few days.

Ye Dahu was arranged by Zhang Tieniu to enter the barracks. He only knew that he was working under King Ping, but he didn't know anything else. His immediate boss was a centurion, who was in charge of food and grass matters.

In other words, Ye Dahu was working on the logistics and supply, and he didn't have to fight desperately on the front line.

It was Zhang Tieniu who looked at his conscience, and at the critical moment, he desperately protected the Guan family's mother and daughter from being violated by bad guys. He was still a man, and he specially took care of him.

In short, Ye Dahu, the former gangster in Pingning Town, has transformed into an ordinary soldier under King Ping.

He is happy, he is very serious in his work, he enjoys a lot in the team, and he is very popular.

"Tiger, the head is calling you!"

Suddenly someone shouted loudly, drowning out all the noisy voices, causing Liu Shi to stamp his feet uncontrollably.


Subconsciously, she thought of Ye Dahu who fell in a pool of blood that night, and her eye sockets felt hot, and she was on the verge of tears.

Now that their mother and daughter are in such a difficult situation, it is not much better than that night, but will anyone help her?

"Auntie, what difficulties did you encounter? Don't worry..."

The boy in the bodyguard bureau was clever, seeing that Liu's eyes were red, he hurriedly comforted her.

Mrs. Liu nodded, "Thank you, brother."

When he was about to lift his feet to go out, he couldn't help but look back, just as Ye Dahu turned his head, the woman at the door was thin and sad, so he looked over subconsciously.

Looking at each other, both of them were startled.

Ye Dahu's eyes widened in disbelief, while Liu rubbed his eyes with trembling hands.

Away from the busy group of people, Ye Dahu blinked again, and finally made sure that he did not admit his mistake, and for a moment he wanted to run away.

In fact, he literally turned around and ran.

"Ye Dahu..."

Liu called him hoarsely.

After running for a few steps, the stupid big man suddenly felt something was wrong, stopped, turned around and ran again, and he arrived in front of Mrs. Liu after a while. He asked eagerly, "Aunt Liu, why are you here? I came to the Piao Bureau to invite someone." But what difficulties did you encounter? Guan, where is Miss Guan?"


Liu's eye sockets are hot, this child is a good one.

When Ye Dahu accompanied Liu Shi and two hussars he hired to drive to Guan's house in a carriage, the door of Guan's house was closed tightly and Guan Cuizhi was nowhere to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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