The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1415 Haven't seen anything

Chapter 1415 Haven't seen anything

Yes, if it weren't for Guan Chuyun, the bastard, Wu Yuanwai's people would not have picked him up yet.

After all, the middleman said that a big shot came to the city, so he should keep a low profile recently.

But the bad thing lies in Guan Chuyun, a bastard.

Early in the morning, he was full of dirty thoughts, and his thoughts aroused an evil fire in his heart, which burned his mouth so dry that he couldn't suppress it no matter what.

Seeing that Mrs. Liu was not there and only Xiao Meiren was at home, he wanted to take advantage of it first.

If you can't be serious, why don't you ask for some other benefits to vent your anger.

Guan Chuhuai, who is like a dog, just stopped him symbolically, and let him do what he did.

Such a peerless beauty is right under my nose, she is so charming, I feel pity for it, but which man can bear it and not stop thinking about it.

Although he was already eight years old when he left Yejiacun, and he still had some kind of brother-sister relationship with Guan Cuizhi, who was four years old, but after many years away, the two families had no contact, and the relationship faded away. He's a fool, he doesn't do less dirty things, and he doesn't care.

The delicate and juicy flower buds are held in the palm of your hand, and you can play with them as you like. Just thinking about that feeling can make your blood vessels burst.

According to their thinking, even if the girl suffered a disadvantage in that respect, she dared not speak up, and even cried and begged them not to speak out.

Both of them have done this kind of thing and have experience.

What's more, that delicate little girl who seems to be made of water is not easy to catch.

However, before the two of them got serious, Guan Cuizhi resisted fiercely, and Heizi roared crazily, making the two of them flustered, fearing to attract the attention of the neighbors, Guan Chuhuai took a pillow to cover the screaming Guan Cuizhi , Make life faint.

Heizi bit like crazy, almost hissing the flesh off Guan Chuhuai's leg, but was kicked to death by Guan Chuyun.

It didn't let go of Guan Chuhuai until it died.

A violent ordeal caused neighbors to knock on the door, but Guan Chuyun sent him away through the door of the house.

At this point, the two of them were completely mad.

Mrs. Liu will be back soon. Seeing such a scene, she must make a fuss. If the neighbors hear about it, the 1000 taels of silver will probably go to waste.

The only way is to send people away directly. Once the gate of the mansion is closed, Mrs. Liu is not familiar with the place where she was born, and there is nowhere to find them.

After the money is in hand, it is not a piece of cake to go back and deal with a weak woman.

The scheming Guan Chuhuai quickly made up his mind, endured the great pain in his leg, and together with Guan Chuyun surrounded the people tightly, he went out and went straight to the Wu Mansion with his back on his back.

At that moment, the Wu family had already brought the Wu family, Guan Shiyi, and Guan Shiyan into the gate of the Wu residence.

Hearing the report from the subordinates, the brothers from the Guan family had arrived, Wu Zhenchang didn't think much about it, knowing that they were in a hurry for money.

When he saw the gorgeous Guan Cuizhi with his own eyes, the man in his fifties couldn't help but tremble.

There is no man who does not praise such a stunner.

It is indeed much more beautiful than the eldest daughter of the Guan family, mainly because of her good temperament. Although her eyes are tightly closed, he just knows that those beautiful eyes must be clear, pure and agile.

If this hadn't been agreed with his superiors, he would have wanted to keep him.

As for why the little beauty was in a coma, he didn't even ask, this kind of thing is too normal, it must be because of the little girl's temper, she was drugged.

He was so young, he had never seen anything, and he didn't care at all.

The left and right Guan family is voluntary and has nothing to do with him.

Everyone was sent, and it was such a peerless beauty, so he had no reason not to accept it, but he was afraid that he couldn't help but do something, so he simply sent people away.

Fearing that something might happen on the road, someone even poured a cup of soft tendons to relax.

Didn't I hear that there are important people in the county, so naturally we should be more careful in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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