Chapter 1421 Have a good rest
At this time, Wu Shi didn't have the heart to eat, if she hadn't held on with one breath, she would have passed out long ago.

A few hours have passed, whether the girl is alive or dead, good or bad, she is ignorant, she is already heartbroken and dying.

My mind was in a trance, drowsy, and my consciousness was a little fuzzy.

There is only one thought tossing and turning in her heart, God bless, bless Zhi'er to come back safely, even if she dies, she can rest in peace.

With Zhang Tieniu's appearance as a general, Ye Dahu's mood improved a lot. He believed that Uncle Zhang would definitely rescue Miss Guan back.

As long as people come back alive.

Nothing else matters.

Even if, even if someone ruined her innocence, it's okay, it's not her fault, it's all those damned dogs who hurt people, she's just a weak little girl, she doesn't have the strength to resist.

If, if she doesn't despise her vulgarity, he is willing to marry her, take care of her for the rest of her life, and never let bad people bully her.

But that kind of thought flashed through his mind, and he quickly rejected her. She is the most beautiful and purest woman in the world, and I am a big bastard, so I am not worthy of her.

She is so good, there must be a good marriage.

Thinking over and over again, Ye Dahu, whose mind kept spinning, was a little distracted. He didn't come back to his senses until the bearded man came to call him to eat.

The bearded man has been nice to him on weekdays, and now he doesn't say anything. The general rushed over as soon as he heard that something happened to him. This kind of friendship is okay~
And this woman is also terrible, she thought she could help Ye Dahu's face, but her friendship with the general is closer than Ye Dahu's.

Didn't you see the general's gentle voice to persuade and comfort her, one brother and one sister, one girl at a time, just listening to that tone, it means that she loves that little girl very much.

Obviously, uncle loves his niece~
This is really unexpected.

Today's encounter is considered to be the right one!
This bearded old man looks rough and sturdy, but he is really shrewd. Now he is a little secretly proud. He feels that he has shown his face in front of the general, and his future is bright!

He wanted to earn favors from Mrs. Liu, but he didn't want to be too enthusiastic to court a woman, not to mention that the other woman was completely out of shape, stupid, probably full of muddle in his head, and he didn't even know who he was.

So he patted Ye Dahu's shoulder familiarly and affectionately and said in a warm voice, "How can you take care of others, such a rough old man? It's not a problem just to accompany and lean on like this. You have to eat when you have to eat. Only when you have strength can you do things."

"I think my aunt is anxious and exhausted from running around, so she needs to take a good rest."

"Come on, you are a clumsy old man, you are not the master who can serve others, call the two maids to help the aunt to the wing for a rest."

Ye Dahu naturally listened to the kindness of his immediate boss and said yes again and again.

Speaking of it, he really doesn't know how to take care of people, and he can't directly feed water or something, even if he sees her face covered with tears, he is too embarrassed to wipe her face.

And when facing Mrs. Liu, he was more or less nervous, a little afraid of seeing his mother-in-law, and his heart was always tense subconsciously.

So, the two dragged two maids from the Wu Mansion, and told them to take good care of Mrs. Liu, wash them, change into dry clothes, and feed them water and food.

After running around for several hours under the scorching sun, everyone's clothes were soaked in sweat, sticking to their bodies with dampness, making them uncomfortable.

The heart is heavy at first, and the body is not comfortable, so the spirit is even worse.

Maybe wash up, drink some water and eat something, and you will be a little clearer.

Ye Dahu sent Liu Shi's two bodyguards, Ding Liu and Pan Jiu, to dinner, and he himself watched the two servant girls helping Wu Shi to the wing.

(End of this chapter)

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