Chapter 1423

Hu La La surrounded a group of people and blocked his way.

Both Big Beard and Ye Dahu were furious, staring at him with murderous intent, "You can't run away, if you let him go, you will be spared."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

"Get out of the way, if you don't get out of the way, I will stab her to death!"

Guan Chuyun was completely insane, howling like a trapped animal.

When he is stupid?

The killing intent in their eyes was so obvious, how could they let him go?
And the general, he will not let him go.

All the people who were still exposed to the sun were refreshed, especially Wu Shi, who shouted hoarsely, "Let me go, let me go! Let us all go!"

Guan Chuhuai, who was about to slip away quietly while others were not prepared, was so angry with his stupid mother that she almost lost her anger.

Is it stupid?

What if these barbarians are muddy?
The second son of a bitch can take hostages, so don't these rough guys?
Sure enough, the bearded man was so angry that his veins were throbbing. It happened that Wu jumped out and jumped, but he just hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Come on, drag that old woman here!"

Mrs. Wu was immediately dragged to Guan Chuyun's eyes like a dead dog, "Let go of the person in his hands, or I will tear your old lady's skin alive!"

Wu Shi, who was pressed to the ground, was frightened out of his wits, struggling desperately, shaking his head desperately, like a big fish dying frequently.

With a wave of the bearded man, Guan Pingyuan, Guan Chuhuai, Guan Shiyi, and Guan Shiyan were all pushed to the ground, and the whole family cried and howled.

At this time, Guan Chuyun couldn't care about others, he just kept yelling, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me go, let me go!"

Seeing how tough these soldiers were, he jumped up in a hurry, gritted his teeth, and stabbed Liu Shi in the shoulder. The moment he picked up the knife, blood splashed all over his face, and he shouted even more frantically, "Don't move away again!" , I will die with her!"

The bearded man frowned, making such a fuss, how could he explain to the general, or let this bastard go first?
Just when he was hesitating, he heard a scream resounding through Yunxiao, and the scalp of the frightened man went numb.

Everyone looked at Dingqing, it turned out that Ye Dahu chopped off one of Wu's arms!

A loud bang.

He threw the bloody stumped arm at Guan Chuyun's feet.

"The next one is your father!"

His eyes were bloodshot and murderous, and he was completely out of control.

If it wasn't for fear of hurting Mrs. Liu, he would have gone over with a flying knife and slaughtered that dead thing!

Wu Shi, who was in a pool of blood, had already passed out from the pain, Guan Pingyuan was terrified, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Second brother, let your aunt go!"

According to his thinking, no matter how barbaric these people are, they can't really kill him, after all, he is Cuizhi's second uncle, and her father is a brother of the same mother.

No matter how bad he is, he is not guilty of death.

As a result, this brat has pissed people off and aroused the blood of these soldiers and savages, which makes him so mad!
He doesn't want to die!

I don't want to lose my arm either!
So, he shouted desperately, "Second brother, let him go!"

Guan Chuyun couldn't care about him at this moment, and shouted frantically in a hoarse voice, "Get out of the way, everyone out of the way, let me go!"

Without saying a word, Ye Dahu raised the knife and dropped Guan Pingyuan's arm again.

The bearded man thought he didn't see it, this kid is still a scumbag, no wonder the general valued him so much.

Therefore, he was not to be outdone, and catching Guan Chuhuai was just a knife!

The screams rose and fell, Guan Shiyi and Guan Shiyan fainted from fright, and Wu Jiaye, Uncle Wu, Uncle Wu, Yuanwai Wu and others who were about to wake up were all ashamed and trembling. The female family members of the Wu family were half unconscious.

Guan Chuyun became even crazier, if he let him go, he would only die!
It's just that he didn't dare to stab anyone anymore, if someone was stabbed to death by him, then he would die faster.

(End of this chapter)

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