The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1428 Let's Take a Look

Chapter 1428 Let's Take a Look

The girl he liked was standing in the sunny place, smiling brightly, Zeng Li's heart was beating uncontrollably.

A few little girls started to play around, the pearly hair accessories on the girl's head were extraordinarily luxurious and magnificent under the bright sunshine.

He Xiner wore a simple double bun today, and the two buns were fixed with pearl flowers.

Plum-shaped pearl flowers are all made of glass as leaves, five pure white shells as petals, pink pearls as flower cores, one large plum blossom and two small plum blossoms, dotted with a circle of white pearl tassels the size of rice grains, light pink chalcedony, and jewels. ~
Zeng Li's eyes hurt as if they were scalded by something.

The delicate girls of Lao Ye’s family are even more beautiful than Chunhua~
He lowered his eyelids, hiding the emotions in his heart, and continued with the movements in his hands as if nothing had happened.

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered a few steps away.

"Brother Sheng, Brother Sheng! Sister Xin'er! Dabai has hunted a wild boar again! Awwow—I really love Dabai!"

"Xu Sheng, come and see!"

The excited and high-pitched voice reached everyone's ears through a large area of ​​lush bushes, followed by a group of loud cheers and excited screams, which knocked away the birds on the nearby trees.

He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling smiled and threw down the stones in their hands, patted the dust on their hands, and turned to look.

Not to mention that Ye Mantun was the one who called the hunter, he was the one who picked up the game, and all the chores were gone.

"Hey, just listen to his voice, not see his person."

"Let's take a look!"

"Haha, there will be delicious barbecue in a while!"

The three of them rushed to find the source of the sound with great interest.

The breeze blew by, and there was a rustling sound, as if someone or an animal was moving forward in the dense grass.

The noisy movement not far away was too loud, and this wave of sound was almost drowned out. Those who are not careful may not be able to hear it clearly.

He Xin'er's hearing is not bad, she could clearly feel that wave of sound coming from the high and rugged cliff at the end of the spring. .

She looked up, only to see a green tree swaying in the wind on top of a cliff tens of feet high.

Is it the sound of wind blowing leaves?

But the feeling in my heart is that someone will have stayed there, as if observing them.

It's so high, what would run up to it?

He Xiner shook her head lightly.

Forget it, with Dabai here, such a big cousin, and a bunch of other cousins, there is nothing to worry about.

Maybe she was thinking too much.

Three girls, two big, one small, and three girls, hadn't spared the bushes when they heard a group of people happily approaching.

The three simply did not leave, and waited in place.

After a while, Ye Mancang, Ye Xusheng and others appeared in sight with Dabai, Daha, and Erha.

"Wow, such a big wild boar, how did Dabai do it?"

Ye Mangui and the others dragged a huge wild boar on a temporary raft, and walked with difficulty. They were all sweating a little, but they couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear, and they all became idiots.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling screamed excitedly.

He Xiner was also overjoyed, and circling wildly around the wild boar, "Big brother, this wild boar has such a big head, must it weigh more than 300 catties?"

"Haha, this pig is much bigger than the two pigs last time. I reckon it must weigh at least four hundred catties."

Ye Mancang, who had experience, had a smile on his face and a loud voice, which showed that he was in a good mood.

The three girls all yelled in surprise, and then hugged Dabai and praised it.

Ye Mantun and the others also admired Dabai from the bottom of their hearts, and their compliments and non-money-free words spread out.

Guan Mingwei and You Rongyan smiled reservedly and generously, with a hint of pride.

Zeng Li's eyes were complicated, the delicate girl from the old Ye family is not only beautiful, but also talented, even the dog she raises is different...

(End of this chapter)

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