The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 143 Aren't You Just Calling Chickens To Make Trouble?

Chapter 143 Aren't You Just Calling Chickens To Make Trouble?

Arm in arm, the two mothers went to the vegetable garden to pick peppers, potatoes and green onions, and returned home with a vegetable basket.

Lao Ma, who was hiding outside the north courtyard of Lao Ye's house, heard the movement of the mother and moved to the west wall, and came out with a sullen face after the mother and daughter left. What did she hear just now?
The two women actually discussed eating chicken?

The people in this room actually eat so well?

Ye Laiyin, who came home from the field, helped Mrs. Wang clean up the pheasants, and the couple quickly started cooking.

It didn't take long for the old Ma Shi who was pasted on the east wall to smell the strong fragrance. He incited his nostrils to sniff vigorously, which stimulated the sense of taste even more, so tempting and intoxicating.

Ye Laiyin's hearty laughter came from the courtyard, "Xin'er's workmanship is getting better and better, and it has drawn out all the gluttons of my father!"

It was followed by Wang's voice, "What your father said is that this taste is more attractive than the rabbit meat last time. I wiped my saliva several times."

A little girl's delicate voice said, "Then father and mother should eat more. I added enough oil, and the chicken and side dishes in a pot are all shiny, full of flavor, and the amount is large enough. Parents just eat hard. "

The family of three smiled and went to the front yard with food.

Who is Xin'er?

Ye Laiyin, who is in charge of the second room, is called father, and Wang is called mother?
Could it be that the girl is not only alive but also talking?

Old Ma's eyes widened, it's not a good thing to be able to speak, and it would be troublesome if he accidentally called someone when he was doing it!

Although he was thinking about the "business" of eight taels of silver, but the sound of gurgling came from his stomach, which made old Ma's mind full of chicken and rabbit meat!
That fragrance hooked her soul!

Even hearing it makes me happy, but now I don't have anything to smell, the hungry and greedy old Ma Shi is furious, how much money did Ye Dahe, who killed a thousand knives, secretly hide?
Old Ma Shi's heart was full of chicken, and the fire made her whole body hot, and the flames of moxibustion were spraying from the bottom of her eyes, she wished she could open her mouth to spit out the anger in her heart, and burn Ye Dahe's room to the ground!
With distorted facial features, he walked home panting heavily.

The main room of Ye Dahai's family also had meals set up, the whole family sat down and waited for the meal to be served, when suddenly Mrs. Ma came back panting with red eyes, his son and daughter-in-law didn't take it seriously.

After all, for so many years, Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Qian would pinch each other when they met, and they never took advantage of each other. When was it not like this?

Ye Dahai from above gave her a cold look, can't this stupid woman restrain herself?
Are you afraid that others won't see you doing this?
Old Ma Shi sat on the stool without washing his hands, panting like a cow, and his nose was about to breathe fire!
The son and daughter-in-law ignored her, and the daughter Ye Meihua couldn't stand it, "Mother, wash your hands and eat."

Speaking of eating, old Ma's fire-breathing gaze gained some focus, and he stared blankly at his own dining table~
A plate of pickled vegetables, a pot of boiled beans, I don’t know who made it, the tender green beans were boiled yellow and rotten, and there is no trace of oil, not much better than the pickles, and it doesn’t arouse the appetite.

Immediately, old Ma became angry: "Who made this meal? Is this fed to pigs? How do you eat it?"

This voice stunned the whole family, and Mrs. Zhang curled her lips: "Mother, where are you getting angry? As a cook and a worker, if I don't make money, I have to be a punching bag?

If mother wants to find fault, she also needs to find a decent reason, why won't our family cook like this one day?

Did you eat chicken, duck and fish in the past?And I'm not alone in doing this. "

Their family doesn't have chicken, duck and fish meat, but Ye Dahe's family does!

Ye Meihua was dissatisfied with Mrs. Zhang, "Sister-in-law is also true. Mother said one thing, and you have ten words to stand up to."

"Originally, who doesn't want to eat good food? I hide the oil jars, what should I use? If Mother really wants to eat meat, let's kill a chicken from the backyard and eat it?"

Zhang's youngest son took it seriously: "Really, grandma, shall we kill a chicken tonight?"

Ye Dahai, who was at the top, was so angry that his face turned black, "What nonsense are you talking about, that chicken is for laying eggs."

Isn't it just begging for chickens?
The old Ma couldn't hold back any longer, originally he wanted to tell the old man alone, but now he was stimulated and said what he saw directly: "The people in Ye Dahe's room eat chicken, half of the soup and half of the spicy fried chicken, the aroma is delicious. Damn, I also heard from Ye Laiyin that his family just ate rabbit meat two days ago."

"What, they eat chicken and rabbit?"

All of a sudden, the whole family got pink eye disease, and they started arguing.

(End of this chapter)

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