The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1437 Five Mixed Feelings in His Heart

Chapter 1437 He has mixed feelings in his heart

Guan Mingwei, who was chatting happily with the three maids, glanced at the Zeng family boy with a calm face and gloomy eyes from the corner of his eyes, and his eyes flickered.

He is a person with a keen mind and a scheming mind, not a pedantic nerd.

Ye Xusheng and He Xiner had a close relationship, he had known for a long time, and coupled with their identities, no matter how deep his thoughts were, he didn't feel any difference.

But the boy from the Zeng family, he only needs one glance to know what the other person is thinking.

In his opinion, this son is very thoughtful and thick-skinned. It is really embarrassing for a big man who doesn't study or work, doesn't do any business, and hangs around his fiancée every day.

If it weren't for the face of Big Brother Mancang, he would have been unable to bear to criticize one or two.

Some people are better off quitting and save some face for themselves.

It took only a few breaths for these thoughts to go around in his head, his expression remained unchanged, and he continued to talk and laugh with He Xiner and the other three, with gentle eyes and a friendly smile.

Although his extremely cold glance at Zeng Li was fleeting, Ye Xusheng still keenly noticed it.

Pursing his thin lips, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

When the group of them returned to Lao Ye's house, the backyard was already bustling with excitement.

When the nine Ye Mancang brothers dragged wild boars down the mountain, they didn't meet anyone along the way. After all, the weather was hot, and after the end of the day, no one would stand stupidly on the street to dry bacon.

The nine brothers dragged wild boars, their feet were like the wind, and crossed the North-South Street at an extremely fast speed. When they were about to turn into a small alley, they were bumped by Widow Zhang who was so idle and sourly looking at the old Ye's house. is on.

The eldest grandson of her family has reached the age of blind date, and asked the seven aunts and eight aunts to tell him about marriage, but she is not satisfied no matter which girl they talk to. Either she despises the poor family or the ugly girl. Neither match.

She wholeheartedly wanted to marry someone from a wealthy family, a rich dowry, and a beautiful and capable person. Therefore, those whose families were clangingly poor, and whose girls were black, dry, and thin, she naturally looked down upon, and the one who refused was called a girl. He was crisp and murmured, with a very righteous appearance.

He kindly proposed marriage to her because of his relatives. Not only did she not want to study well, but she even jumped to accuse him of looking down on his family.

As a result, she pissed her off, and she ridiculed her sarcastically, saying that she didn't take a look at her own family's situation, the muddy house was old and dilapidated, and if someone was willing to marry, it was because of burning incense. Xiao thought of something else, so he really didn't have a clue.

Widow Zhang fell backwards in anger!

In her mind, the suitable eldest grandson-in-law is Guan Cuizhi, but she is not ready yet, her eldest grandson is already eighteen and can't wait~
I had no choice but to give up the idea, but followed Guan Cuizhi's conditions to see the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law.

She held her breath, and if she couldn't stand or sit at home, she could wander around the village, and finally turned to the alley of the old Ye's house by a strange coincidence, looking at the courtyard of the old Ye's house with burning eyes, feeling sour all the time water.

After standing for a long time, his calf was sore, and he was about to go home and lie down on the kang to rest, when he bumped into Ye Mancang and the others.

Her eyes were glued to the wild boar in a flash, and she couldn't tear them off until the group of people entered the gate of Lao Ye's house, and she had nothing to look at, so she had to look away.

She wanted to follow up to ask for some benefits, but she knew it was impossible, so she ran to Ye Changsheng's house quickly, called Lin Shi, and drank a lot along the way, causing many people to run to Lao Ye's house.

Lao Ye's family is rich, so they don't expect to exchange these wild animals for money, like the two wild boars last time, yes, they all keep them for themselves.

But their family has a small population, so how can they finish eating the big pig?
In this hot day, things can't be put away, and it's a pity if they break, it's better to give the big guys points and earn favors.

Didn't the two wild boars get separated a lot last time?

This time it's her turn, right?

She must run ahead, don't fall behind.

(End of this chapter)

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