The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1442 Where is your cousin

Chapter 1442 Where is your cousin

Good guy, the oil pan was turned on in the room, crackling, crackling, that's hot, that's intense!
All kinds of sharp shouts and curses almost lifted the roof.

The commotion became louder and louder, almost overwhelming the noise in the backyard.

Soon, everyone will know.

Lao Ye's family is more ugly than ever, after all, it's not a matter of long faces.

Originally, old Yetou was holding his little grandson in his arms, standing under the shade of a tree, watching his eldest grandson, Ye Mancang and other kids working in full swing, he was in a very happy mood.

The strong guy in a row is happy just looking at them, not to mention everyone is so capable, he can't stop smiling from ear to ear.

With these capable boys, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't need to reach out, they both chatted with people with smiles on their faces.

There are many people who are jealous, and more people are sincerely envious of Lao Ye's family, especially the capable Dabai. Some people joked that with such a big and powerful dog, their masters don't have to do anything, just hold the dog Just wait to make money, and there are endless game.

Everyone booed, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

It was at this time that the commotion in the upper room spread to the backyard, and then, there was no more.

There are a lot of people, and there are always those who like to spread the word. The cause and effect of things, what's going on, let's learn it clearly.

Old Yetou almost pouted in anger.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin are both iron-colored.

Ye Xusheng had no expression, his face was calm.

Except for those watching the fun, everyone else was embarrassed.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Cao were happily cleaning up their work, but suddenly they heard the commotion in the upper room, and they all sighed silently.

What is this called~
Old Yetou held back his anger, and quickly directed his two sons to go to the town hall, and Ye Mancang and other brothers even drove the idlers out.

Most people are still unwilling to turn against the old Ye family, so they leave quickly.

Their own affairs have nothing to do with them, but there is no need to offend people just to watch this excitement.

The place was suppressed, and Ye Laijin took care of Little Qian's.

However, the good atmosphere at home was ruined.

Ye Feifeng, who was afraid of being implicated, sneaked to the West Courtyard, only to find that He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were sleeping so sweetly that she didn't know what it was like.

The family is about to quarrel, but they have no influence at all, so what should they do?

Daha and Erha were still sleeping in the gazebo, Dabai had just returned from a bath in the river, and lay alone on the bamboo mat at the door, quietly guarding the three girls.

Her arrival did not elicit any reaction.

Ye Feifeng quietly retreated from the room, and stood blankly outside the window for a while.

The whole Xikuan courtyard gave her such a peaceful feeling, the years are quiet and peaceful, and the world is stable~
At this moment, she really envied He Xiner, everyone liked her and loved to hang around her, she, she was so happy...

Ye Feifeng felt empty in her heart, and suddenly felt that she had nowhere to go.

You don't need to guess, you know that her mother is definitely cursing in the house now, if she comes to her, she will only be used as a gas barrel. .

Ye Feifeng, who was unwilling to make a gas barrel, finally fell asleep on her stomach in the gazebo.

"Big cousin, wake up."

Fascinated, Ye Feifeng felt that someone was pushing her, and kept calling her big cousin in her ear. She was stunned for a while before remembering who called her.

"It's so uncomfortable to sleep on the table like this, and there are mosquito bites, why doesn't the eldest cousin go back to the house?"

Little Wang Jinling stared at her with cute big eyes, and looked at her curiously.

Ye Feifeng pinched her numb arm and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "Where's your cousin?"

"I went to the backyard for a whole pig feast, and Sister Yuanyuan went too."

"A whole pig feast?"

(End of this chapter)

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