Chapter 1450 is a happy thing

Then, this unique pink panther stunned Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng.

Is this thing too ugly?

However, it was fun to watch.

Hey, in Xin'er's words, it's ugly and cute.

It was already late at this time, candles were lit in the house, and red lanterns were hung in the yard. Inside and outside, there were bright orange-red lights.

The pink panther is extraordinarily bright in the orange-red halo, its eyes are big and dull, and in this gentle light, it feels quite cute.

Ye Laiyin held back a smile and went to see the boss Ye Shitian. Now that Liu Shi and Guan Cuizhi's mother and daughter are away, there are only two of them. He naturally wants to ask the boss for his opinion.

"Boss looks at this thing, can you still do it?"

In the same way, Ye Shitian was also holding back his full belly laugh, and when he saw him asking a question, he stopped tense, "Hahaha—let me laugh first, this thing gets more and more funny the more you look at it, it's so funny——"

His smile caused everyone in the room to burst into laughter.

"Don't say it, this thing looks a bit weird at first glance, but it becomes more and more interesting the more you look at it."

"It's quite interesting, just looking at it makes people want to laugh."

"Xin girl's idea is definitely not wrong."

"Well, since everyone agrees, let's do it. The store will be opened tomorrow, and everything that needs to be bought must be prepared."

Ye Shitian and his wife believed in He Xiner from the bottom of their hearts, and there was no idea she came up with that didn't make money.

And Ye Laiyin fully supported his daughter, and the two brothers made a decision directly.

Before, there was still some money in the accounts of the three cooperatives, but because they wanted to continue the business, they kept it there.

Now they are the only two partners, so they don't move the money, and set up another account book, and the two families temporarily put 50 taels of silver into it for purchase.

Everyone excitedly settled down all the things they thought of, and said a few more gossips, mainly lamenting the absence of Liu's mother and daughter and the loss of a lot of helpers, they all hoped that they would come back sooner.

It was not until Haishi that Ye Shitian's family got up to leave.

Ye Yuanyuan had been with He Xiner for a while, and she also missed her little nest, so she brought Daha back home with her parents and elder brothers.

Ye Xusheng looked at it calmly, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

His black and white eyes are shining brightly, as if filled with broken stars, resplendent and dazzling, in this night full of light and shadow, it is difficult not to attract attention.

"Brother Hall, what happy event did you encounter? Are your eyes bright with joy?"

The night is deep, the breeze is cool, and the air with the fragrance of flowers and plants is fresh and refreshing.

He Xiner and Ye Xusheng walked side by side in the yard.

The little girl Wang Jinling fell asleep when they were talking about making a living as a doll, and with Dabai guarding her, she fell into a dream beautifully.

Ye Laiyin and his wife finished seeing off Ye Shitian's family, and went back to rest first.

The daughter said that she wanted to draw the blueprint of the pink panther with the eldest nephew, and the couple didn't wait for her.

"Well, it's a happy thing."

"It's really a happy thing. Tell me about it, and I will be happy too."

"Someone ran with me tonight..."

Before she finished speaking, He Xiner ran away with her skirt in hand. Ye Xusheng almost laughed out loud. His footsteps were light and extremely fast.

He Xiner, who was in a hurry, suddenly saw him standing in front of him, and it was too late to stop, so she rushed into Ye Xusheng's arms due to her inertia. .

Subconsciously, Ye Xusheng hugged him, and he smiled lightly, "What are you running for, Xin'er?"

"Hey, hey, I just want to see if the big brother's reaction is fast enough. Well, that's it."

She is very determined.

"Then, is Xin'er satisfied with the performance of big brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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