Chapter 1452 Oh, what a shame
The night is dark, and the refreshing mountain wind carries the moisture of the lake, making it cool.

Ye Xusheng, who has always been obedient to the little girl, gently stroked the broken hair on her forehead, and softly discussed, "Xin'er, the water is cold at night and it is not suitable for playing in the water. Please go to the hot spring pool with you tomorrow."

Facing the gentle and watery lobby brother who coaxed her like a child, He Xiner felt a little embarrassed. Her pretty face was flushed, her eyes were moist, she bit her cherry lips lightly, pondered for a moment, and suddenly smiled brightly, "I just Treading water for a while, no swimming, okay?"

Ye Xusheng had no choice but to follow her.

The little girl cheered, quickly took off her shoes and socks, her skirt was tucked around her waist, her underpants were rolled up to her legs, and she happily entered the water.

Her legs are white and moist, delicate and well-proportioned, with firm skin, icy muscles and fine bones~
Under the watery moonlight, those white and tender jade-like legs were extraordinarily alluring. Ye Xusheng couldn't help but be attracted to her. He couldn't help but look at her, and suddenly he was suffocated and his heart stopped...

"Big brother, come quickly, the lake water is cool and cool, so refreshing."

Beautiful girl, cheerful laughter, crisp and melodious~
After he calmed down, Ye Xusheng pondered for a moment, and finally chose to obey his heart.

Following the little girl's example, he took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trousers, and slowly got into the water.

Before setting off, he deliberately changed out of his long robe and put on a black suit, just for the convenience of movement, but now it's easy.

Seeing him getting into the water, the little girl immediately came to him, giggling, "Brother Hall, isn't it cool?"

Fearing that she would fall, Ye Xusheng held her hand and smiled softly, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Yeah, treading water is so much fun!"

The little girl laughed like a successful little fox, yes, cunning and smart~
Ye Xusheng patted her handbag dotingly, "Let's go to the town to play next time when we return to Xiumu, shall we?"

The kid surnamed Zeng went back, but the kid surnamed Guan was tightly entangled. Now he had an excuse, and ran to Lao Ye's house as soon as he arrived in Xiumu, and he had to take the little girl to escape.

He Xiner was a little moved, she tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, the Pink Panther has just started, there are a lot of things to do, and Cuizhi and Aunt Liu are not here, only my mother and auntie are the main two, a bit busy But come here, don't go out to play for now."

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't make another sound.

He Xiner didn't think about it, she was still playing in the water happily, but Ye Xusheng was afraid that she would get cold and advised, "After playing for a while, it's time to go back."

"Yeah, I feel a little cold all over my body, I really can't play anymore."

The little girl giggled, lifted her foot and kicked it on the water surface, splashing a string of water splashes, the sound of rushing water broke the tranquility of the night~
Ye Xusheng smiled softly, bent over and picked him up, "Brother, hold him, so as not to get your feet dirty."

"Hey, big brother is the best."

Ye Xusheng's smile deepened a little, and he carried him firmly to a clean stone and sat down. He took out a brocade handkerchief and knelt down on one knee to wipe the water stains carefully for the little girl.

Being cared for like a baby, He Xiner was a little ashamed, her face was flushed and her heart was beating. When she was about to withdraw her feet, she felt deliberate, so she bowed her head in embarrassment.

In the past, the eldest brother often brushed her hair, combed her hair and put on makeup. She didn't feel this way, but now, now...

Even when they took a hot spring together, they never felt this flushed and heartbeating feeling.

The edge of the hot spring pool is full of clean stones, no need to step on the dirt, and the lobby brother will set up a bonfire in advance, the stones are warmed, and she can just sit down and warm up when she gets out of the water. There are hot stones under her feet, and hot stones under her body. sticky stone.

I really haven't wiped my feet so hypocritically alone.

Oh, what a shame~
The little girl's little feet were white, tender, soft, and lubricated. Ye Xusheng gently stroked through the brocade handkerchief, holding his breath to suppress the throbbing heart that was about to jump out of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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