The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1463 He Xiner is Dumbfounded

Chapter 1463 He Xiner is Dumbfounded

Because Pan Mingwei threatened Guan Cuizhi about the draft, Zhang Tieniu personally ran to the county seat, caught the county magistrate of Lin'an and dealt with it easily, and almost scared magistrate Qiao away.

The Pan family moved out of Pingning Town that night, and they dared not return to their old house.

Not long after, the imperial list was officially issued and posted inside the city gate, where the most people circulated, and places below the county level did not have the imperial list, but were passed on level by level.

County Magistrate Qiao seemed to have forgotten that there was a Pingning Town within his jurisdiction. Yes, he didn't convey it at all.

After a long time, the news spread slowly.

After the Guan family father and son knew about it, they naturally had mixed feelings. They reaffirmed the capabilities of the Zhang family father and son, and they were both grateful and moved. .

For old fathers like Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin who love their daughters, this news is really not good news.

The two brothers had discussed in secret that they should have a good time with the village and Ye Changshou first. If the superiors really want to choose someone, they must not report their own daughter.

Because the news of getting Taoism in Pingning Town didn't go through the right way, that is to say, they didn't go to the official office, and the pavilion chief, Li Zheng and others didn't receive instructions from their superiors, so there was no big commotion.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were not sure whether the news was accurate, so they didn't specifically tell the women and children at home.

The Bai family and the Wang family stay in the village every day, and they don't know anything about the outside world, and they don't know anything.

The two of them are busy earning money every day, and they are busy talking all day long. They live a fulfilling life, but they miss Liu's mother and daughter more and more, and they only hope that the mother and daughter will come back soon.

The big guys talk and laugh together, do work together, and earn money together, that's called joy.

When Guan Xiuyuan suddenly proposed to betroth the two children, Wang refused in her heart.

Well, Mingwei's child is naturally good. He doesn't come home empty-handed. He doesn't care about how many things he has. This girl bought a lot of food and gadgets, and she was obsessed with it.

And the way he looked at his daughter, that could be called tenderness, he really missed Xin'er from the bottom of his heart.

In other words, if he didn't care anymore, how could he run to Lao Ye's house so diligently?

Naturally, it was rare to the bottom of my heart, that's why I came forward so cheerfully.

The child is a good child, the son-in-law she has identified.

But isn't the girl still young?

There is no need to rush to book a name.

After the status is settled, even though they are not married, they are still members of the Guan family, she, she is reluctant.

Furthermore, when a woman has a status, she has a bondage, and she does not have the freedom before.

Mrs. Wang discussed the engagement with her husband and was not in a hurry.

If it was before, Ye Laiyin would not be in a hurry, but the current situation does not allow it.

His girl has a beautiful face, she is like a flower bone, if the people selected by the above know about it, she is afraid that she will be sent to the capital and the palace.

Just thinking about such a possibility, he couldn't help but his liver trembled. A girl should never be allowed to go to a place that eats people.

When it came to this point, he did not hide it from Wang Shi. When he told the matter like this, Wang Shi was so startled that his heart beat wildly. After finally regaining his senses, he decisively made a decision, engagement, engagement, engagement immediately!

It's rare to see the gentle and quiet Wang Shi still so forthright and decisive, her soft face has also become resolute, and there is a sassy and heroic look between her brows.

They all stared at Ye Laiyin...

The couple happily made up their minds, and then told their baby girl the good news.

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, the Ye Laiyin and his wife's treatment of their daughter is painful to the bone. They are afraid of melting in their mouths, and afraid of flying away in their hands. They put it directly on their hearts and care for them tenderly and carefully~
(End of this chapter)

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