Chapter 1468 He Will Not Agree
Ye Xusheng said with difficulty, "Brother only wants to study hard and get a good reputation as soon as possible, and has no other intentions."

"Well, yes, studies are the most important thing."

He Xiner lowered her eyelashes, unable to see the emotion in her eyes clearly.

"Brother Hall is going to end tomorrow?"

"It's time to end."

"It's time to review your homework carefully. Don't write novels for the time being, brother, so as not to disturb your mind. Don't delay the business."


After the topic was interrupted, He Xiner bit her lip again.

"Hey, don't bite."

Ye Xusheng's voice was slightly hoarse, his eyes fell on the delicate cherry lips, and his eyes gradually darkened.

He Xiner replied in a low voice, "I'm going back."

The two walked side by side with their own thoughts, relatively silent.

After sending her to the dormitory, Ye Xusheng turned and left after watching her fall asleep.

He was so entangled and melancholy in his heart that he was not in the mood to sleep, and when he was going to run in the mountains, he had no choice but to give up because Dabai was not there.

He slowly returned to Dongkua courtyard, sat in the study all night, and didn't get up until Yinshi to go to Zhang's house.


Bai Shi, who didn't know about the draft, said with a smile when talking about He Xiner and Guan Mingwei's marriage with Ye Shitian at night, Wang Shi originally said that she would keep her daughter for two more years, but was easily coaxed by the Guan family boy Yes, the names of the two children have been decided so quickly.

She straightly said that the Guan family boy is a wonderful person, he doesn't have the sourness of a scholar at all, on the contrary, he is quite clever, she didn't see him coaxing old master Ye to smile, and at the same time, he didn't forget a few girls ...

Bai Shi was still happy about He Xiner's marriage, her emotions were high, and she talked more.

After she talked a lot, she realized that her husband was silent.

You said she was so angry, and when you were about to reprimand him for a few words, you were shocked by what Ye Shitian said, who had been thinking for a long time.

With this scare, the three souls almost took up a pair and a half.


"The news from the county town has spread throughout the town, saying that all beautiful girls between the ages of 13 and 15 need to be reported, and by the end of the year, all of them will be collected in the state capital and picked from the capital one by one. The top-notch ones will be trained by special personnel and sent to the capital in spring."

Bai Shi felt dizzy for a while.

"Because of this, the second child hastily engaged girl Xin?"

"Well, they had already agreed upon a marriage. Because of this, it's only natural to get engaged early."

"Then let's make an appointment for Yuanyuan as soon as possible, the sooner the better, pick a couple of days to get engaged directly."

Bai Shi is really in a hurry. Her precious girl, Huaguduo, is slim, bright and charming, with a good appearance and a suitable age. If, what if, she is sent to the capital, in this life, she will never die again. I want to see my daughter.

Just thinking about the situation of being separated and never seeing her again, her heart hurts so much that she can't breathe.

"Don't be in a hurry. Although this matter has spread, it is said that the emperor's list was posted more than a month ago in the county, but it is quiet here in Pingning Town."

"Supposedly, the imperial list is down, and there should have been officials to select candidates, but after such a long time, there is no movement in the whole Pingning Town, so it's okay."

Bai Shi was still in doubt, "Is it really all right? Then why is the second child so anxious to get engaged to girl Xin?"

"The second child was already optimistic about the Guan family boy, and the Guan family brothers specially discussed and made a marriage contract for this matter, so he agreed."

"That Yuanyuan?"

Bai thought for a while, and suddenly made up her mind. According to her wishes, let Yuanyuan and her natal nephew have a fake engagement. Once they have a marriage contract, they can temporarily confuse the matter of the draft, and wait until next year for the matter of the draft After the curtain falls, the engagement will be dissolved.

Ye Shitian was speechless.

The relatives of their family are all eager to get married with his family. In the past, the elder sister was obsessed and wanted to marry the daughter to Mancang, and other families with sons also stared at his daughter. What are they planning? , when he didn't know it.

He would not agree with such a family.

(End of this chapter)

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