Chapter 1479 How Do You Feel?

Ye Xusheng had guessed it a long time ago, so Ye Xusheng was not surprised.

His grandma is heartless, no matter how filial Xin'er is, she can't change her sincerity.

In this world, the only person she really loves is his sister-in-law.

Ye Xusheng's eyes became darker and darker.

The attitude of the two uncles and nephews is very obvious, that is, they will not expose this matter easily.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin didn't hate each other.

Xin girl is such a good child, well-behaved, sensible, smart and capable, and very filial, not to mention leading the old Ye family to get rich, just saying that she is not good enough for her, she is never lacking in clothes and jewelry, it's okay Eating and drinking delicious offerings, but as a result, she kept acting as a monster and scheming again and again, and now she even made a murderous move to put Xin girl to death.

It's really wolf-hearted and insane!
Not to mention Ye Laiyin, even Ye Shitian wanted to tear the old godly woman's skin off.

Ye Laijin had also been annoyed with his mother long ago, wishing he could drown her too.

I have never seen such a cruel person, it is too incompetent to accept.

But no matter what, the identity of the old godly woman is there, no matter whether it is Ye Laiyin or Ye Xusheng, they must not kill her with their own hands.

Otherwise, what happened to Lao Ye's family?

A nest of murderers.

Just thinking about that kind of reputation made Ye Laijin feel chills in his heart.

"Second brother, please calm down first, Osmanthus fragrans has just left for a short time, if something happens now, the reputation of Lao Ye's family will be completely ruined."

"That's right, she's not just a thing, she's also your own mother who gave birth to you and raised you. If you really dare to take her life, you will be struck by thunder."

Ye Laiyin kept a cold face and remained silent.

He understands the truth better than anyone else, but he must never let his daughter suffer such a big loss for nothing.

It was also because Mrs. Wang and He Xin'er were still awake, Ye Laiyin was full of hatred, and she didn't have the heart to do anything else right now.


When He Xiner woke up, it was already late at night.

Several candles were lit in the room, bright as day.

She blinked lightly, her mind was in chaos.

"Miss Xin'er is awake!"

The voice of weeping with joy was extremely soft, as if afraid of scaring her.

Then, suddenly a group of people gathered around, everyone's eyes were swollen like peaches, especially her mother's beautiful red phoenix eyes, now swollen to the point where there is only a slit left.

Everyone beamed excitedly, even though their eyes were swollen like peaches, they still smiled cutely.

Everyone spoke softly, lest they scare her.

He Xiner blinked, the memory slowly came back, and her heart was calm.

"Xin'er, how do you feel?"

"Xin girl, drink some water, take it easy so you don't choke."

"Second Miss, are you hungry? I'm going to get some porridge now, let's get some food together."


She obediently drank water and ate porridge.

After eating, I fell into a deep sleep.

From beginning to end, not a single word was spoken.

Wang was so anxious that she began to wipe her tears again.

Three years ago, my daughter went to wash clothes by the river and accidentally fell into the water. Thanks to Xu Sheng's rescue in time, she saved her life. I don't know if it was caused by fright or high fever. My daughter could not speak for a long time . .

Now, now...

Wang's tears fell like rain.

Why is her child's life so miserable, with such a vicious thing on the table.

Ye Laiyin was also deeply shocked, thinking of the frightened Ye Feifeng, her heart felt cold.

The Bai family, the Cao family, Ye Yuanyuan, and Wang Jinling all wept silently.

A good child, who was scared by the dead old godmother and went wrong, can't speak anymore, it really hurts me to death.

The bedroom is full of female relatives, only Ye Laiyin is a rough old man.

Ye Shitian and his son were helping to watch the house in the front yard. At noon, when it was lunch break, there was no one in the village, so no one saw Ye Laiyin running wildly with his daughter in his arms, but they heard Erha and him In the afternoon, people came to send care one after another.

Ye Shitian had always dealt with it. He Xiner hadn't woken up yet, and the two of them were also worried. They didn't go back at night, waiting to hear the news.

(End of this chapter)

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