Chapter 1482 Unlucky Things

How old Qian was struggling alone on the verge of life and death, how he endured the pain of his wound, and how he struggled to eat porridge, was insignificant to others.

Even if it is alive, so what?

Wait and take it slowly.

No one paid her any attention.

Lao Ye's family struggled on their backs for two days, and as He Xiner slowly recovered, she began to talk and move around on the kang, and they finally settled down a bit.

As for Ye Feifeng, she used to go to Huichun Hall to help take care of Xiao Xuyang, but now she still reports to Huichun Hall every day, but she is doing treatment with Xiao Xuyang.

After two days of head acupuncture, she stopped yelling and could sit quietly, just sitting there blankly, not waiting to move for a day.

When she was eating, she also sat blankly at the table, didn't put the steamed buns in her hand, didn't know how to eat, and didn't put the vegetables in her bowl, she just gnawed on the steamed buns.

Ye Laijin was so worried that his head was turning gray, and Xiaoqian was so angry that he jumped up and down.

The daughter is stupid, no one will do her work for her anymore.

Moreover, she is also counting on the future, when Ye Feifeng can marry into a rich family, she will also get some benefits along the way.

But now it's good, she's crazy, she can't count on anything, and she has to bother to look at her, because she's afraid that she won't be able to run outside. If someone finds out about her madness, she won't be able to get married, and the other It's also bad for the family's reputation.

Her son still wants to be an official, so he must not ruin his reputation.

Xiaoqian hated the sky and the earth, hated the old godmother to death, and even hated He Xiner.

Thinking with her weird brain, the dead girl is an unwanted bastard, she should have died a long time ago, but she ate the food of Lao Ye's family and spent money from Lao Ye's family, living better than the serious children of Lao Ye's family It's decent, why?

The old godly woman is also useless, she pushed people into the water tank, but she didn't drown, she was really stupid.

If it was her, the custody would make her die so thoroughly that she would never wake up again.

Hmph, there are no dead things in the way, and sooner or later, the second room's money will belong to their first room.

Even the entire Xikuan courtyard belongs to their big house.

The entire Lao Ye's house is full of big houses.

Once this kind of thought pops up, it will grow wildly like a weed~
Thinking of Erfang's yard, Erfang's money, and Wang's jewelry, Xiaoqian's heart was burning.

The dead old godmother is not all stupid, she also knows how to attack when Dabai is not around, but it is a pity that her luck is a bit bad, she was bumped into by her own daughter, and called "ha" by that bitch of the Cao family, which ruined the good deed.

Just think about it, if Erha doesn't make trouble, if the old godmother successfully throws the person into the well, and waits to salvage it, even the Daluo Immortal will not be able to save him.

Ah, what a pity.

And Erha's dead dog, obviously Xu Yang's dog, why did he work so hard to save the girl, tossing half his life, what a stupid dog.

Little Qian cursed inwardly. After scolding old Qian, he scolded He Xiner, after scolding He Xiner, he scolded Erha, and finally scolded Ye Feifeng angrily, "Things that are not blessed, don't urinate in the morning and evening, are very Urinating on the juncture of the old godly woman's murder, not to mention driving me crazy, and ruining my mother's good deeds!"

"If it weren't for your meddling, that dead girl would be bubbled in the water now, and the couple in the second room are the ones who went crazy..."

After scolding, he was still angry, grabbed Ye Feifeng's arm and pinched him twice, and finally let out two points of anger.

Ye Feifeng was really crazy, she let her mother beat and scold her, she didn't even respond, oh, she still felt the pain when pinching her, but she could only endure it tremblingly, she couldn't even run.

This kind of reaction made Xiao Qian's fight hard.

She glared at the lunatic a few times, and began to think about it again.

I heard Dabai is coming back soon.

As long as the dog comes back, there will be no chance to kill that girl again.

 I have something to do today, temporarily update two chapters
(End of this chapter)

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