The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1484 It's a Happy Event

Chapter 1484 It's a Happy Event

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered slightly.

Ye Laiyin did not respond immediately.

On the other hand, Ye Laijin was full of concern, and agreed casually, "What Dad said is that it's not good for people to stay in the house all the time. You should bask in the sun and breathe, so that your body will be stronger."

"Oh, I see."

Speaking of Ye Laiyin, this person is also interesting. If my own mother provokes him, it means that I will hate him if I say it, and I will not give face at all.

Even to my own father, I sometimes get tough, but to my elder brother Ye Laijin, I never said a word of no.

As for Ye Laijin, no matter what happened, he always discussed with him, and never set his elder brother's line.

The two brothers are real brothers and sisters.

Just like now, because of the daughter's matter, although Ye Laiyin would not bring his father's anger to him, but subconsciously he just didn't want to answer his father's words, but when Ye Laijin spoke, he immediately expressed his opinion.

For this, Lao Yetou was not angry.

If the second child had no temper, it would not be him.

"Say something to Mrs. Wang, Ming'er brings girls Xin and a few to the upper room for dinner. There are more people and it's lively."

Ye Xusheng paused for a moment, pursed his thin lips, and looked calm.

This time, Ye Laiyin couldn't ignore it anymore, after thinking about it, he replied in a deep voice, "Okay."

Lao Yetou's heart relaxed a little, and he finally had an appetite.

He thought, girl Yixin's heart is not the kind to hold grudges randomly, let alone drag others into anger.

That child is the most kind, smiling all the time, calling him "father" obediently, not to mention being sensible.

As long as the dead old lady doesn't come out to be an eyesore, everything will get better gradually.

A few days ago, the dead old woman was locked up, didn't they live happily?
Especially when Dabai hunted back the wild boar twice, he even called the Shitian brothers, and Mancang and the others, all of them came, it was quite a commotion.

Lao Ye's family needs to be popular so that everything can go smoothly.

"The Guan family boy has been away for eight or nine days, right? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Thinking of hunting, Lao Yetou began to miss Dabai.

This time, girl Xin suffered such a big loss because of Dabai's absence.

If Dabai was there, he would have sent that dead thing flying with a slap.

"It's not just eight or nine days. Mingwei left on July 21. Today is the first day of August, a full ten days."

Regarding his son-in-law, Ye Laiyin naturally remembered Menqing, not to mention he still took Dabai with him.

He was also thinking about his own daughter, without Dabai by his side, he had almost lost his life, and he was anxious for a long time, so he asked Guan Xiuyuan specifically for this reason, but the other party didn't know why his son delayed the trip.

So, he could only wait.

"This boy! Isn't he in a hurry to get engaged? He can actually stay outside."

Ye Xusheng choked for breath.

"I see, that kid is planning to go to great lengths to buy a betrothal gift for Xin girl! The things in the county outside are more exquisite than those in the town."

Ye Xusheng was stabbed in the heart by his own father, so he could only bear it silently.

"Haha, I see it too. With the Chen family boy in front, the Guan family boy must not be poor. He really cares about the girl Xin. Besides, the family is not short of money. He must manage it openly and decently."

Girl Xin wants to get engaged, but it's a happy event.

Just take advantage of this joy to wash away the bad luck at home!

Lao Ye felt that the dark clouds above Lao Ye's house were blown away by the wind, so he was in a good mood.

Mobilized by his father and elder brother, Ye Laiyin also became interested, and the three masters began to preach happily.

Ye Xusheng ate a couple of bites in a hurry, he said he had something to do, and went out of the upper room alone.

The sad Xiaoqian couldn't take it easy even if she had a meal, she had to take care of Xiao Xuyang, and Ye Feifeng even more, and she was very angry.

She didn't want to care about it, but she didn't dare to be a monster under the eyes of her husband, so she had to be patient and serve the two ancestors.

Originally unwilling and full of resentment, the three of Mr. Pian happily discussed about the betrothal gift, which made her grind her teeth in annoyance.

(End of this chapter)

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