The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1486 I have already planned to eat it

Chapter 1486 I have already planned to eat it
How is that possible?

With her temperament, if she really handed over the money to her, she would have to give it all to the sister-in-law, and then the first and second families would still be poor and miserable.

Father and uncle are not stupid, how can she do whatever she wants with the hard-earned money?
Perhaps it was for this reason that she hated the eldest and the second wife.

Especially their second room.

Who said that the second room has more money?

He Xiner raised the corners of her lips coldly.

For a person who is full of money and doesn't even care about his son, it doesn't seem so inconceivable that he can kill her as a granddaughter.

What can she be sad about a person who has never regarded herself as a granddaughter who can kill at will?
And whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with him.

I will never see you again, let her go.

In the future, she will live happily with her parents and He Lele, so as not to think about what is there and what is not.

He Xiner looked up at the luxuriant sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The bright sunlight passed through the gaps in the leaves, and the golden light shone down, dazzling.

"Xin'er, your eyes hurt carefully."

Perhaps it was because she had been watching for a long time, and Wang, who was sitting with Bai in the gazebo and doing needlework with an embroidery frame, couldn't help reminding her.

In the past two days, the family has been on their backs, who can care about making a pink panther, Wang and Bai haven't been to the East Wing for many days.

Today, I also saw the three girls playing in the yard, and it was fine for them to accompany them there, so the two took the embroidery frame, and watched the girls playing while doing handwork.

"Mother is too careful, I just want to see which sweet-scented osmanthus is fresher, and where does it hurt my eyes?"

He Xiner smiled lightly, her voice soft.

"Fresh sweet-scented osmanthus? Sister Xin'er, do you want something delicious?"

Little Wang Jinling, who was lying on the side of the fish pond to feed the fish, jumped three feet high excitedly.

"Well, how about making osmanthus cake?"

"Good, good, sweet osmanthus cake, I like it."

"Hey, is there any pastry that Sister Ling'er doesn't like?"

Ye Yuanyuan on the side smiled and teased her, even Wang Shi and Bai Shi also laughed lightly.

"No, no, I like to eat any kind of pastry!"


The villain waved his hands in a serious manner, and spoke in a serious and sincere manner, which made everyone laugh.

After laughing for a while, Ye Yuanyuan stretched out her slender hand, pointed at the pots of chrysanthemums beside the flower pavilion, and asked with a smile, "Xin'er, do you think chrysanthemums are edible?"

Every year during this season, He Xiner would place a lot of chrysanthemums beside the gazebo, and specially asked someone to make a three-story circular wooden frame. Various types of chrysanthemums were placed in it, the heights were scattered, and the order was clear, which was very interesting. .

"Chrysanthemums are edible, didn't we pick some fresh ones to make chrysanthemum tea last year?"

"It's not tea, it's food."

"You can make chrysanthemum cakes. You can try it when you buy glutinous rice flour. You can also make chrysanthemum porridge, which can clear the heart and relieve troubles, improve eyesight and relieve irritation. You can also make chrysanthemum soup, make soup with white fungus and lotus seeds, add rock sugar, umm , it’s also good for your body~”

"Hey, how about making this Laoshizi chrysanthemum soup at noon?"

"I think you have made up your mind, have you already planned to eat it?"

"Whatever you say, anyway, I want to try this chrysanthemum soup, so you can tell me whether to eat it or not?"

Having been exposed, Ye Yuanyuan simply admitted that she looked like a rascal, which made people laugh.

The villain Wang Jinling squatted on the ground, sniffing this one and smelling that one, muttering in a low voice, "They're all so fresh and beautiful, which one should I eat?"

"I've served you two, I'll get the scissors."

Teased by her cousin's appearance, He Xiner couldn't help laughing, and went to get the scissors with a smile, and then the three of them gathered around the colorful flowers, discussing which one to eat.

Wang Shi and Bai Shi looked at each other with a smile, without any hindrance, and let the three of them destroy flowers with their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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