The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 149 Daddy Takes You to Town

Chapter 149 Daddy Takes You to Town
In fact, Lao Yetou felt a little regretful after talking about it. It is better to keep the money in his own hands, and it will be gone if he spends it.

Why didn't you shut up just now, and just said it out of your mind?

But he is the head of the family, so it's not easy to slap him in the face if he said something, so take it back?
Originally looking forward to the happy mood of the delicious food, he became depressed, but now he was even more annoyed when he heard old Qian's howling, and sternly said "shut up"!
"I am the head of the family, and I have the final say on this family!"

"I didn't say yes to the second child yesterday. It's getting late now. When will I be able to go to the town? Hurry up and get the money!"

The old man really didn't give himself face!

Just yelling and scolding in front of the whole family, how can she be a housekeeper in the future?
Old Qian's eyes were red, and he stopped howling, and lowered his head to pretend to be dead.

It was hard to get a hundred coins out of the eldest daughter-in-law's hands, and now I have to take them all out, plus the eggs she saved. Isn't this stabbing her heart?
Do you want face? Does Lao Yetou not want face?

Therefore, Lao Yetou, who also felt ashamed, directly snatched Lao Qian's key, took 150 documents from the money box and handed them to Ye Laiyin: "Take them all, don't have enough.

It is also your face to buy something for the holidays and take the children back to your mother's house. "

Didn't you refuse to listen to me and give me face?

I want to piss you off!

When the old couple fights in the ring, the whole family benefits!

The embarrassed Ye Laiyin was very speechless. Although his father's generosity is a good thing, he always feels that his father is a bit abnormal recently~
Little Qian didn't care if his old couple were suffocated or not when he had money to buy things, he grinned happily: "It's still Daddy who is bright, generous and generous, I think Daddy should take care of the money!"

When I was happy, I praised all the words I could think of, and flattered me by the way, thinking about digging out some benefits in the future.

It's a pity that I offended my mother-in-law again!
Before her mother was restrained by his father, Ye Laiyin hurriedly slipped away, saying that she was going back to the house to change into clothes for going out, so she could go to town early to avoid delay.

Everyone else should do whatever they want, and the old Qian in the room is still staring at Lao Yetou with staring eyes, as if he will pounce on him and tear him apart at any time!
Old Yetou was even more annoyed, snorted coldly, and called his eldest son to go to the field.

In the west wing, He Xiner also wanted to go to town, so she stared at her father with bright eyes. How could Ye Laiyin ignore those hot little eyes?

"Are you going too?" he asked funnyly.

Pushing harder, He Xiner smiled harmlessly, "Can Dad take me there?"

Nothing happened, Ye Laiyin replied very simply, "Okay, Dad will take you to town."

Ye Xusheng, who hadn't gone to school yet and was by He Xiner's side, gave a slight pause. Xiner, a little girl, is happy to play with anyone, so she's going to leave the big brother behind!

He really wanted to spend more time with her, but he got up at Yin time every day to practice martial arts, he had to go to school during the day, and at night when Xiner returned to the room, he had to go to the mountains to learn swimming, there were really many things to do.

Fortunately, Xin'er can insist on studying for an hour every night, otherwise he wouldn't have time to be alone with this little girl~
Mrs. Wang packed two bamboo tubes of water for He Xiner and his father, and Ye Laiyin laughed straight at the sight, "I'm a daughter of a girl, your mother never cared whether I had water or not before."

Being teased by her husband, Wang blushed and said, "What are you talking about in front of the child?"

It caused Ye Laiyin to let out a low laugh...

He Xiner who was forced to eat dog food...

Ye Xusheng with a sour stomach...

Ye Laiyin was carrying a bamboo basket, He Xiner followed empty-handed, happily waved to her mother, and sweetly said goodbye to Ye Xusheng, "Goodbye, brother-in-law."

Standing at the door of Lao Ye's house and watching her bouncing away, Ye Xusheng felt uncomfortable: Little heartless, I am not at all reluctant to part with big brother...

(End of this chapter)

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