The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1492 When They Are Blind

Chapter 1492 When They Are Blind

According to Xiaoqian's thinking, for such a good deal, the father-in-law should be able to settle the accounts.

The left and right old godmothers can't talk anymore. The whole family knows the truth, only her father-in-law and her. As long as they agree with each other, this matter will be settled and cannot be changed.

As for why she did it?
Isn't that obvious? Naturally, there are benefits to be reaped.

Just think about it, that kid has been driven back to Lao Ye's house, and these servants are still calling out the fifth young master one by one, and the old lady has spoiled him for many years, and now they still cherish him very much, and they are afraid that he will be homeless , deliberately let the old Ye family go.

Naturally, there are other arrangements.

For example, silver.

The old lady loves him so much, she definitely won't let him suffer from poverty, she must give him a large sum of money so that he can continue to live a good life.

Hey, this kind of cheapness, you can't let it go.

Besides, she is really serving a crazy girl, enough of her serving.

And sending her to the He Mansion was also for her own good.

With so much money in the He family, it is impossible to hire a good doctor for her, and with good medicine, her madness will be cured.

Hey, if it really works, then she will have the benefit of He Fu.

Crawling out of his own intestines, let alone being a Miss He Mansion, even if he is a concubine in the palace, he must be filial to her as a concubine.

Xiaoqian only thought about it, if her daughter became a lady of a rich family, in the future there would be countless gold and silver hairpins, precious stones and pearl hairpins flying into her hands, and she wished she could look up to the sky and laugh for three days and three nights.

It doesn't matter if she is sick and crazy, there are a lot of maids and servants waiting on her, eating, drinking and dressing, and she doesn't have to worry about anything.

As a mother, she is worthy of her.

In such a short period of time, it was no wonder that Xiaoqian's not-so-clever mind was able to think of so many detours.

It's a pity that she thinks she is extremely smart, and feels that this calculation is seamless, but others are not stupid.

Mrs. Wang, who was staying inside, breathed a sigh of relief just now, and looked at each other with Mrs. Bai. The smile on the corners of her lips hadn't fully bloomed, when she heard the voice called Mother Jiang from outside, "May I ask who is this?" Is the second room in your house a girl named Ye Erni?"

He Xiner was stunned for a moment.

Wang's face paled in a flash, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

Even Bai Shi, Cao Shi, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling all changed their faces.

Ye Laiyin outside was not much better. His eyes were like knives, and he looked straight at Mother Jiang. There was an extremely gloomy coldness in the depths of his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?"

Housekeeper Ren and Nanny Jiang knew that the woman was lying just now after looking at him.

In fact, after a while they knew that the woman was lying.

Don't talk about the appearance of the eldest lady, just say that this stupid girl and that woman's looks, one can tell at a glance that they are their own mother and daughter, with the same mean face and the same triangular eyes, but the little girl is a little more juicy than that woman nothing more.

Just like that, dare to say that she is the young lady of their He family.

What if they are blind?
Besides, they were clear about what happened back then, so they were so easy to deceive?

Besides, Zhang Qian was captured by the second master's men and threatened with her son. She was almost scared out of her wits, how dare she hide it?
Naturally, he explained everything clearly and in detail.

Except silver.

The old lady and the second room were only interested in asking about the process of changing the child and all the details to ascertain the truth, so they didn't bother to ask about money or not.

In short, Steward Ren and Nanny Jiang knew everything about that year in great detail, including that Xiaoqian and Wang were pregnant at the same time, with a difference of only three days in the delivery period, but Xiaoqian was born prematurely and so on, they all knew .

(End of this chapter)

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