Chapter 1504 I'm Going
The siblings were talking, and Wang and the others had already packed all their luggage.

Thinking about the second girl, it is impossible to eat lunch at home, so Mrs. Cao also prepared some food, packed it all, and sent them over, and put them in the car together later.

After packing up everything, Mrs. Wang began to wipe away tears again, and Mrs. Bai and the others also had sour eyes. Ye Laiyin calmly called He Xiner to the main hall.

"Girl, there are many devious ways in a rich family, and even the servants are snobbish. If you are deceived that you grew up in the country and stumbling you, then you will have a hard time."

"Bring these banknotes, take care of what needs to be done, buy what needs to be bought, and don't be underestimated. Don't feel sorry for the silver, the wild fruit is about to be harvested right now, and the pink panther is still doing it, just wait At the end of the year, it will be sent to Fucheng to exchange for silver. In short, the income of the family is indispensable, you just need to spend boldly, and dad will find a way to give you silver."

He Xiner's tears burst into tears, and she suddenly felt extremely regretful. She didn't want to leave. From the beginning, she didn't want to leave...

She threw herself into the generous and strong arms of her father, weeping heartily.

Ye Laiyin also burst into tears, and hugged his delicate girl with reluctance, extremely sad.

After the father and daughter had cried enough, and the sadness in their hearts was relieved a little, He Xiner solemnly took over the copper lock wooden box with a strong earthy smell, and burst out laughing, "Father, this is from Where was it dug out?"

Ye Laiyin's eyes were red, and he said with a smile, "Under a blue brick in the bedroom."

"Father really has a way."

He Xiner praised her sincerely.

Guessing that all her belongings were in this wooden box, she felt warm in her heart, and without saying much, she took the key and put it away.

The father and daughter left the main hall and entered the west wing.

The father and father watched Wang put the wooden box in a large wooden box with a lock, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to the fact that we bought a lot of big wooden boxes to hold the dolls, otherwise we wouldn't have anything to store these old things."

In the end, the wooden box containing the banknotes was also placed, and everything was packed neatly. Seeing the eight full wooden boxes, Bai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Wang's eyes were full of complexities, and everything was packed, which meant that it was time for the girl to leave, and her heart suddenly became empty.

"Ah, the dress on Xiner's body is wet from crying, it's time to change..."

With the idea of ​​dawdling for a while, Ye Yuanyuan found an excuse to open the box to find the clothes.

"Just when you have too many eyes~"

Bai smiled and scolded her, "Stop messing around, you have to clean up the mess, your second aunt left a set of clothes for Xin girl in the big closet."

Ye Yuanyuan, who wanted to make a big fuss, and Wang Jinling, who was making a fuss about it, immediately became as frosty as the eggplants that had been beaten, wilting.

He Xiner smiled and patted the two of them, and went into the bedroom alone and changed into a pink satin skirt. The skirt and the hem of the skirt were embroidered with exquisite spring flowers and autumn fruits, which was luxurious, romantic and elegant.

This dress was custom-made for her by Ye Xusheng. She was so tight that she was afraid that it would get wrinkled, so she couldn't bear to wear it, so she hung it beautifully in the closet.

It was also because of the luxury and luxury of this set of clothes that Mrs. Wang specially reserved this set for her, so that her precious daughter could appear in front of the He family in the most beautiful and noble image, so as not to be looked down upon by others.

He Xiner stroked her sleeves, her eyes dimmed.

Hall brother, I have to go...

She waited for voices to come from outside, as if someone from He's mansion was coming to carry the wooden box, then she put away her wandering thoughts, quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and took out a wooden box with a copper lock from the hidden compartment of the closet.

She patted the wooden box full of silver bills, imagining the expressions of her father and mother when they opened the wooden box, she couldn't help the corners of her lips fluttering and her eyebrows curved.

(End of this chapter)

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