The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1515 Can't read even one big character

Chapter 1515 Can't even read a single big character

After He Xiner left, the old lady waved her hand to tell the others to leave too. After sitting upright for a long time, her body became very stiff. She needed to rest for a while to recharge her spirits, and there was a family dinner in the evening.

The old lady was lying on her back, letting a few maids beat their legs, rub their shoulders, and just closed their eyes to rest.

The female relatives headed by the second wife, Kong, quietly retreated.

He Chu'er and He Qi'er sent off two good friends and walked side by side, with their respective maids following behind.

"Luo Hua is independent, and Wei Swift flies together. Second sister, do you think she understands poetry?"

"Hey~, a wild girl who grew up in the countryside can't even read a single big character, and she talks about whether she understands poetry or not."

"makes sense."

He Qier nodded, but felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Hmph, you're obviously a country bumpkin who can't stand on the stage, but you can put on a show, put on an appearance of being unreasonable, who will show it to you?"

"Do you really think of yourself as a noble daughter? I don't even look at who is in charge of the house. It's strange that the second wife can make her feel better."

The second lady, He Chuer, and the third lady, He Qier, were not born by the same aunt, but both of them lived with their aunt Kong Shi, and they did their best to win favor for Kong Shi in front of the old lady, and often you sang I joked and joked together, cooperated quite tacitly, and the relationship was not bad.

After all, the Kong family has no prostitutes, and when the two are still needed, it is okay for them.

The eldest daughter of the big house, He Lan'er, has been married for many years, and there are only two young ladies in the whole house who have not left the court. Although they are concubines, without the pressure of the first daughter, they live a relatively comfortable life. Decent and comfortable.

It's just that in the past, there was a big lady in charge of Zhongfu, and they still have some dignity as young ladies. It's just that new clothes are cut every quarter, and jewelry is added according to the rules. It doesn't work either.

What new clothes and jewelry are suddenly popular in the city, what do you want to do?
Pay your own money.

Their aunts were all from poor families, they didn't have a generous dowry, and they all relied on the monthly money from the mansion and the rewards from the master, which couldn't help them much.

The two of them have five taels of silver per month, which is several taels higher than their aunt's two taels.

Five taels of silver is a lot of money for a large family for two years to a countryman.

But for a lady from a high-ranking family in the county town, it is even more impossible to buy a high-quality makeup powder for five taels of silver, and it is even more impossible to buy expensive and luxurious jewelry. The price is enough for two people to save for several months.

Therefore, the hands of the two are not rich, and they often have to save money carefully in order to buy a favorite item.

Every time I saw He Lan'er, the eldest daughter of the big family who had returned to her natal family, dressed in extremely extravagant outfits, I would feel jealous.

The second wife, Mrs. Kong, was also sore that she had a toothache. Behind her back, she often scolded Mrs. Song for subsidizing her married daughter with public money. She also said that He Laner's dowry almost emptied the entire He mansion, and now she is still searching. Her natal family, He's family's possessions will be emptied by those mothers sooner or later.

However, they can only be jealous and angry, but there is nothing they can do.

Because of this, Mrs. Kong was very annoyed by Mrs. Song.

But the two sisters, He Chuer and He Qier, are full of resentment towards He Laner, and at the same time they are jealous and envious.

Who said that the eldest daughter's concubine is too glorious?

They can be regarded as decent and noble in the family, but when they meet He Lan'er, they are overshadowed by comparison, it's no wonder they don't feel jealous.

Especially when going to banquets with people in the social circle, her two concubine daughters in the second room were almost turned into scum by the first wife's first-in-law daughter.

Apart from jealousy and hatred, both of them had a deep sense of powerlessness that they would never turn over in front of He Laner and Dafang.

However, the world is unpredictable, Mrs. Song, who had been in glory for so many years, suddenly fell down, and the entire He Mansion fell into the hands of the second lady.

(End of this chapter)

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