The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1521 The Guan family boy must come quickly

Chapter 1521 The Guan family boy must come back quickly
"Grandpa, don't worry, I'm a descendant of Lao Ye's family, and I will definitely not think about the He family anymore."

Ye Xusheng approached quietly, He Jiaming's clear voice came from the ear room, and he frowned slightly.

Why does that kid He Jiaming live in the ear room of the front yard?
Didn't the second uncle and the second aunt recognize him?

He was in a daze for a moment.

The old Yetou in the room had complicated eyes, and the young man in front of him was handsome and fair, with clear features and a pure and harmless expression. Perhaps because the second and second couple ignored him, his expression was slightly disturbed, and his eyes were timid.

Just looking at this face that resembled his second child, he felt sore and sore in his heart. The second child has someone succeeding him, and finally he has a man to support the family, and this child was raised by a wealthy family, so he must be very capable , Even with one leg limping right now, the demeanor of the whole body is still extraordinary.

Only this, he is gratified.

But the fact that someone wanted to burn Lao Ye's house was always like a thorn in his heart.

But I can't ask.

His gaze swept to the boy's injured leg.

It seems that the internal fighting in the He Mansion is more serious than he imagined. Although this child enjoyed a lot of wealth in the He Manor, he also suffered a lot of grievances.

The means of the big family are really terrible.

This is the life of wanting a child~
What used to be a great future is now ruined. .

Old Yetou's old eyes flashed lightly, maybe he thought too much, a half-grown child who hasn't grown up yet, how can he be so vicious.

If he was really a cruel wolf cub, how could he be plotted to such an extent?
Her legs were limping, her future was ruined, and she was kicked out of the He Mansion. She was obviously the one who was bullied.

Then the matter of sweet-scented osmanthus, as well as the matter of burning Lao Ye's house, should all be done by the lady.

The heart of a femme fatale is nothing more than that.

There was a chill on the back of Lao Ye's head, inexplicably, he felt a little lucky, thanks to the fact that the eldest lady was defeated by their second wife, otherwise the disasters of Lao Ye's family would continue.

Thinking that she already had the intention of killing people to silence her, how could she give up so easily?
This is fine now, after all, there is no need to worry about it.

Even if girl Xin went back to He's mansion alone, she would definitely suffer from the wolf-like second wife of the He family.

Oops, the Guan family boy is too unreliable, why hasn't he come back yet?

Having Dabai by her side can also make people feel more at ease.

After thinking about it, Lao Ye thought about He Xin'er, and felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

For a moment, I miss those happy days in the past, and I think how good it would be if it remained the same, the sweet girl was there, the sweet-scented osmanthus was there, even the dead old woman was there, and the family lived happily and happily;

For a while, I thought, Lao Ye's family members are not happy, and Xu Yang is a person who needs to worry, only Xu Sheng is a bit weak, and now that Jia Ming is back, he can help each other a little bit, and support Lao Ye together Family.It's a good thing, a good thing.

Right now, there is no shortage of money in the family, Jiaming's legs are good enough to support, and he is not afraid even if he can no longer walk well. With the conditions of the family, he does not have to worry about not being able to marry a daughter-in-law.

In the past two years, Xu Sheng and Jia Ming became relatives, and gave him a litter of great-grandchildren, so he could really laugh out loud in his sleep...

As a result, Lao Yetou's heart swayed back and forth between He Xiner and a litter of great-grandchildren, and finally he realized that the matter had come to an end, and it was impossible for Xin girl to come back.

The old eyes are sad.

He really likes that girl.

It was Lao Ye's family who was sorry for her, causing her to suffer so many grievances, and was almost killed by the dead old woman.

It doesn't matter if she goes back, she is the real Miss Qianjin, she should enjoy the wealth of He Mansion.

As for the people in the second bedroom of the He family who dare to bully her, it depends on Dabai's permission.

So, the Guan family boy has to come back quickly~
Alas, it is said that Lao Ye's family can't help Miss Xin and Guan's family, but there is nothing they can do...

(End of this chapter)

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