The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1535 Mrs. Wei hit the wall

Chapter 1535 Mrs. Wei hit the wall
Dwarf Winter Melon's fat radish fingers were snapped off by He Xiner, causing her to howl involuntarily in pain, which shocked the crowd of people who were scolding the evil, and were all stunned.

In the whole kitchen, only the dwarf winter melon's miserable screams and vague curses were heard.

She collapsed on the ground, trembling in disbelief, her fat body was shaking into a ball, her left hand tremblingly held her right hand, her face was covered with tears and snot.

Both Luo Hua and Wei Yu were stunned.

Mrs. Zhao and the others all took a breath.

"Quick, hurry up and tell the second lady personally!"

After regaining consciousness, Mrs. Zhao yelled loudly. She stared at He Xiner in shock and anger, her heart beating non-stop.

"you you……"

Instinctively, she stretched out her hand and pointed at He Xiner, and then, feeling the danger, she quickly put her hands behind her back. After she realized what she had done, she felt that she couldn't bear it, so she yelled harshly, "Miss Si Wait for the second lady to get angry!"

"is it?"

The girl's voice was clear and clear, without any emotion, it was still flat, but it made people feel inexplicably afraid.

Who would have thought that such a delicate and small doll could break Mrs. Wei's finger that was as fat as a carrot, it was so, so ruthless!
The short winter melon was throbbing in pain, "Doctor, doctor, find me a doctor..."

Mrs. Zhao was in a state of desperation.

"Luohua, go and search, but there is no meat. Poor Daha has been hungry for a long time..."


Shocked by her master's miraculous pen, she almost had her soul out of her body, but the little maid suddenly developed a burst of courage, feeling her blood was boiling, she wanted to jump up on the spot in excitement.

After getting the master's order, the little maid's eyes lit up in a flash, without any hesitation, she rolled up her sleeves and started to rummage around.

Lady Zhao looked at He Xiner in disbelief.

The others looked over dumbfoundedly.

I saw that her face was still calm, her eyes were clear, she was neither happy nor sad, neither angry nor angry, and her heart was like still water.

This this……

Everyone's intuition felt furious.

"Miss, there is a bowl of braised pork hidden here."


He Xiner bent down and patted Daha's head, and smiled lightly, "I'll make do with it and eat something, sister will buy you steamed chicken tonight."

Daha wagged his tail and rubbed against her hand, then happily ate.

Luohua and Weixue's hearts couldn't stop churning, this feeling was too strange, tense and exciting, and more of a pleasure, the kind of exhilaration that was shameful!

Mrs. Zhao was about to die of anger. She kept food for herself on purpose, but now she even fed it to the dog.

Others look at me and I look at you, none of them dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Dwarf wax gourd had already been helped up, and she kept hissing and sucking air in pain, and couldn't help but feel great hatred in her heart, taking advantage of the gap between the two maids watching Daha eating, she suddenly made a fuss, ran two steps sideways He slammed into He Xiner's body heavily...

"Plop! Bang!"


"Oh my god, Mrs. Wei hit the wall!"

Everyone was stunned.

He Xiner was expressionless.

She is not stupid, how could she stand obediently and wait for her to hit her?

In other words, it was thanks to the eldest brother who forced her to practice physical fitness.

Well, the responsiveness is still good.

Mrs. Kong, who had already taken a lunch break, was trying to catch up on her sleep, but someone interrupted her dream, which made her lose her temper. Mother Jiang said the matter in a few words, and she was shocked, "Is this really true?"

"Ms. Zhao just sent someone to tell me, it can't be wrong."

"Haha... I still thought she was a piece of mud, so she was waiting for me here."

Kong laughed.

"So that the old lady can see how vulgar and savage this wild girl from the country is."

"Exactly, the old lady has always hated unruly and rude women."

"Go, bring everyone to Songhe Hall."

Feeling that he had caught He Xiner's handle, Kong was so impatient that he wanted to trample her under his feet so that she could not turn over again.

As long as the old lady despises her, then she is just a weed that no one can take pity on...

(End of this chapter)

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