The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1539 Just Not Hard Enough

Chapter 1539 Just Not Hard Enough



He Hongjin flinched and his heart beat violently. After he stabilized his mind, he raised his eyelids and glanced at the old lady, expressionless, and said in a deep voice: "A commoner girl with no family background and no one to protect her is empty. I'm afraid he died before seeing the emperor's face, and I don't know who caused it."

The old lady took a breath.

It's not that she doesn't understand the twists and turns in the palace. Just looking at the messy things in Uncle Yongchang's mansion and the bad things in her own family, one can imagine that in the palace with the highest power, all kinds of struggles will only become more intense. , more dangerous...

She is not reconciled.

Not reconciled to always being subordinate to the eldest sister.

Obviously she looks better than the eldest sister, but because of the difference between the concubine and the concubine, she missed the opportunity to enter the uncle's mansion back then.

It's just that no matter how unwilling she is, she has no choice but to flatter others, just to get the blessing of the Yongchang uncle's mansion...

"Your aunt was just a good concubine when she entered Uncle Yongchang's mansion, and now she is not a grand old lady. It can be seen that it is up to people to make things happen, and it is up to heaven to plan things."

She didn't want to miss this opportunity.

He Hongjin casually grasped the simple and melancholy Moyu, with deep eyes, "Auntie is the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter who was carefully cultivated by the family. She is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to tea craftsman. She..."

"I don't know big characters, I don't know how to read and write. How can I compete with the noble daughter carefully cultivated by the honorable family? It's useless to learn it now."

"Besides, he has such a temper. If he doesn't agree with a word, he will fight with a servant. In the strict rules of the palace, it may not be possible to cause much disaster. If the mother family is affected, the gain will not be worth the loss."

After hearing the eldest son's calm and rational analysis, the old lady's face turned green, and she was so angry that she couldn't breathe evenly. She slammed the table and said bitterly, "It's that bitch Song who missed the congratulations." Home! The life of a girl with such a fairy face was delayed, and she was thrown in the countryside to grow into an idiot, a rare treasure! A rare treasure!"

It turned out that in her eyes, the granddaughter of a direct relative was just an object that could be exchanged for benefits.

The more the old lady thought about it, the angrier she became, as if the Song family had lost the duke title that she had already obtained, she wished she could be torn apart!
If it was back then, he could find a reason to divorce her, but now the Song family has a young man who is very well educated, and the Xingzu Wangzong is just around the corner, but it is not easy to turn against him.

So she became even angrier.

He Hongjin's complexion was gloomy when he heard his mother keep cursing the bitch, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"The prosperity of the family still depends on the males. It is the right way to obtain fame and become an official, so that you can honor your ancestors and congratulate your family..."

After a pause, he said, "The He family has been in business for generations, and none of the males in the family are good at studying. Only Jia Mingying is enlightened and compassionate. With him around, he will definitely lead the He family to a successful career."

He didn't care at all that He Jiaming was not his own son, raised by his side since he was a child, so there was no difference between him and his own.

Speaking of which, he was also annoyed by Mrs. Song, if he had told him about the child's life experience earlier, what about the old Ye's family not the old Ye's family, and that Nanny Qian had already been silenced by him, how could he make trouble for the second room? Chance?
Women are not ruthless enough when they do things.

That caused all these troubles.

The old lady froze, her son was blaming her for driving Jia Ming away.

"That child is good, but his legs are useless, he is hopeless, and the second child has made a fuss about his life..."

He Hongjin's eyes flickered slightly.

To put it bluntly, it was because Jia Ming lost his leg and lost the possibility of becoming an official. When her beloved young son made a fuss, she went along with it.

The second child is useless, he can't study well, and he doesn't know anything about business, he just has a mouth that can deceive people, but his mother just eats that and depends on him for everything.

If it wasn't for the fact that this family needed him to support him, he might have been forced to such a degree by the second child.

He curled his lips mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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