The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 154 Do I Have to Save Some Private Money in the Future?

Chapter 154 Do I Have to Save Some Private Money in the Future?
Since she still has money, then she will be impolite, otherwise she doesn't know that the year of the monkey will have the opportunity to buy things.

So, without being polite, he asked Xiao Er directly, "How do you sell the soda noodles? Give me half a catty."

Of course Xiaoer is happy to see that he has business again. Mosquito legs also have meat, don’t they?

"Alkaline noodles are not expensive, only three pennies for half a catty." Xiao Er said while taking a paper bag to pack.

That's really not expensive, He Xiner nodded.

"Is there any soy sauce? There are star anise, peppercorns and vinegar, too?"

He Xiner said to herself, Ye Eryin behind her almost rolled her eyes, why did he feel that his daughter was talking like an adult?

Well, this is not surprising, children like to pretend to be adults.

But how does her daughter know so many things?He never cooks at home, does he?

Although the old Ye's family didn't use these seasonings, Ye Eryin knew it. He had never been to a restaurant, so he didn't delay listening to other people's bragging, so he knew more or less.

In his impression, only the chefs in restaurants would use seasonings, how could farmers be willing to use those!

Why does my daughter know so much?
Go back and ask your wife~
He didn't care about the money, and he promised his daughter, so she has the final say.

I thought about it again, do I have to save some private money in the future?

All the usual wages are handed over to his mother, but she can't get a single copper coin out of it. Now that the daughter is grown up, is it possible to buy something you want without money?

Well, nothing wrong~
Xiaoer had just weighed the alkaline noodles, and when she heard that the girl had reported a bunch of things, she couldn't help but look at Ye Eryin, this grown-up only buys one thing, can he let the child buy so many things?
He Xiner also looked at her father, wouldn't she feel distressed?
Well, it's okay not to buy it...

Ye Eryin, who came back to his senses, didn't understand why he looked at his daughter?
Looking at it this way, he was still a child, and his thoughts were written all over his face.

"It's rare that Dad has money. Would you like to buy a silk flower, a handkerchief or something like that? We don't need those big ingredients for cooking in our farmer's family."

Ye Eryin bent down slightly, and approached her daughter to discuss in a low voice.

It turns out that Dad doesn't care about Yinzi, so that's good!
He Xiner smiled like a flower, "I don't want a silk handkerchief, I just want to cook delicious meals for my parents."

hey hey~
What I said almost didn't make Ye Laiyin so happy~
"Haha, my daughter is filial, daddy is waiting! Haha..."

Ye Laiyin couldn't stop laughing.

Xiao Er on the side murmured secretly, he had never seen such a doting child, and he was not afraid of wasting those precious things.

"Second brother, is the item I just asked expensive?"

Seeing Xiao Er standing still, He Xiner asked him.

Xiao Er hurriedly smiled, "The soy sauce and vinegar are not expensive, but the star anise pepper is not cheap.

But this thing is just a taste, even people in the town don't buy it by the catty, if the little girl wants it, she can weigh it for a tael.

Can be used for a long time. "

He Xiner nodded, this little second brother is quite honest and also knows how to do business.

"Then one or two star anise peppers each, one catty each of soy sauce and vinegar, how much money?"

"One tael for eight anise, one tael for four peppercorns, and three pennies for soy sauce and vinegar, a total of eighteen taels."

Ye Eryin had never bought these things before, and Ye Eryin gasped in shock. The star anise cost [-] yuan a catty, which was much more expensive than meat, and the farmers couldn't afford it!
I feel a little distressed!

But I couldn't disappoint my daughter, so I quickly took out eighteen copper coins and handed them over, "Please install them, my little brother."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment"

When the two of you came out of the shop, it was already noon, and the sun was scorching hot on the ground. Ye Laiyin wiped the sweat from his brow, and said, "It's almost the fifteenth day of August, why is it still so hot?"

He Xiner followed behind and giggled, "It's just that the sun is hot now, it's hot under the sun, but it's getting colder at night."

(End of this chapter)

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