The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1549 Just accept it here

Chapter 1549 Just accept it here

Ye Xusheng couldn't kill her with his own hands, after all Ye Xusheng couldn't calm down, his body tensed and his chest heaved violently, trying to adjust his breathing.

When he finally stabilized his mind, he suddenly said, "If you are quiet and don't encourage the third uncle and sister-in-law to provoke He Jiaming, how can there be so many things?"

"Xin'er, on her own, helped Lao Ye's family get rid of poverty, let you be a dignified old lady, and let my sister-in-law be her eldest lady comfortably. Whether it is clothes or jewelry, there is never a shortage of you. The village Who is not envious? Who is not jealous?

But you are greedy, and you are still not satisfied..."

Old Qian was stunned.

A decent old lady?
It seems like a long time ago.

What impressed me the most was that trip to the mountains. She dressed up in a decent manner, sat in the sedan chair and was full of ambition. Three daughters-in-law and a granddaughter-in-law followed in a proper manner, and her daughter, grandson, and granddaughter also followed her. she……

Tears blurred his eyes again, and old Qian's heart was empty.

"Xin'er has done too much for Lao Ye's family, more than you can imagine. She was afraid that I would not have a place to settle down as an official in Beijing, so she worked very hard to earn money. In order to be able to buy a big house in the capital in the future, the whole family People are still together..."


Old Qian was in a trance.

"Just two days before you killed her, she was planning to buy a village and hire more staff for the family, so that my father, my father, and my second uncle can have more leisure."

Ye Xusheng's heart was full of pain, because she was worthless, wronged by her, and sad for her...

"Next year I'm going to end up. After passing the government and hospital exams, I can take the township exam in autumn, then the general exam, and if I go well, there will be the palace exam..."

He suddenly sneered, "If everything goes well by luck, the old Ye family can change the lintel in the next year, the year after next."

Old Qian looked at him in a daze as if he had been dumbfounded, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Other poor students, even if they become officials, can't support the whole family with their meager salary, but He Xiner has already prepared enough money to buy a huge house in the capital or anywhere else. Move over..."

He cast a sneering glance at the stupid old Qian, "Didn't you look forward to becoming an old official lady? Haven't you been looking forward to it for a long time? Why don't you be patient and wait for me to get the honor?"

"The family has never lacked you. Why do you keep thinking about the things of the He family? Do you think that He Jiaming is Xin'er, always thinking of the old Ye family?"


"He Jiaming is deeply scheming, sensitive and suspicious. He knew his background a long time ago, and he wanted to attack Xin'er several times. It's ridiculous that you still think he is easy to handle. First, you sent the third uncle to inquire, but his men broke his neck. Throwing her to a mass grave, and then letting her sister-in-law go, but before seeing He Jiaming's face, she was killed by his men.

And this one after another completely stimulated him, and he tried to silence him even more. If he didn't understand, our old Ye's family would have been completely burned down. "

Old Qian couldn't help shaking.

"That person is cruel, cruel and inhumane. You dare not settle accounts with him, but instead you murder Xin'er who lives with you every day. She buys you clothes, jewelry for you, and even cooks for you. I have been calling you grandma for 13 years, but you can do it, it shows that you are as inhuman, cruel and ruthless as He Jiaming."

Thinking of the little girl's suffering, the hatred in Ye Xusheng's heart spread like overwhelming...

"Just bear it here, this is the punishment you deserve."

After giving old Qian a cold look again, he turned his head and strode away.

Behind him was old Qian's heart-piercing sobs and howls.

Beijing?Mansion?The old lady of the official family?
The third child, daughter, He Jiaming...

In Ye Xusheng's words, there was too much information, and her mind was about to become a mess, but she was extremely active.

She has been tyrannical all her life, arrogant all her life, and self-willed all her life. She never felt that she made a mistake, but at this moment, she regretted it. .

Not only for the death of Ye Laicai and Ye Guihua...

(End of this chapter)

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