The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 156 Let us also open our eyes

Chapter 156 Let us also open our eyes

He Xiner absentmindedly finished eating the buns, lowered her head, moved her short legs and walked back behind her father.

Walking out of Pingning Town and on the country road, Ye Laiyin looked back at the listless He Xiner, thinking she was tired, she pursed her lips and chuckled, "Come on, Dad will carry you on my back."

As he said, he hung the basket in front of him and squatted down.

"No need, the backpack is heavy with so many things in it, I'll go by myself"

"Why are you being polite to Dad, come up, this little thing can't help Dad"

Seeing her father's insistence, He Xiner had no choice but to climb up again.

Ye Laiyin stood up and walked with long legs.

"Is Xin'er sleepy? Why don't you close your eyes and sleep for a while, and I'll call you when I get home."

"Well, thank you dad"

At first she didn't feel sleepy yesterday, but as Ye Laiyin moved, He Xiner on her back also shook slightly.

So, under the warm sun, He Xiner's eyelids became heavier and heavier after eating and drinking enough, and finally they closed together and fell asleep~
Ye Laiyin walked fast, and it took less than half an hour to arrive at Yejia Village. The ten-year-old girl in the countryside is also a grown-up child, and she acts as an envoy at home, doing all kinds of housework.

How many fathers recited it back and forth?
Afraid of causing gossip from the gossiping women in the village, after thinking about it, he had to wake He Xiner up: "Xiner, wake up, we've arrived at the entrance of the village."

He Xiner opened her eyes wide and looked around in a daze. She was dazed for two seconds before she woke up. She hurriedly said, "I'm awake, dad let me down."

When Ye Laiyin squatted down, she quickly slipped off her father's back.

Turning a corner and walking into the small road in the village, you can see a big pagoda tree as thick as a person. This tree has grown for many years. According to the old people in the village, it has a history of at least 100 years.

People in the village felt that the whole tree was about ten feet high. It is impossible to measure it accurately in this age, but the tree is indeed quite tall.

The only old well in Yejia Village is under the old locust tree. People who don't have a well at home have to go here to fetch water.

During the slack season, people in the village also like to gossip under the old locust tree, so this is the most lively place in Yejia Village.

The corn has been taken back home, and those who work hard have already harvested the land and only waited for the rain to turn over the fields. There is less work in the field, so they have time to gather together and gossip.

Before Ye Laiyin and his father approached, they saw a lot of people gathered under the pagoda tree from a distance, but they were all older women. Ye Laiyin did not intend to stop, and directly led He Xiner to continue Go forward, and you can turn to the path in front of your house after a few feet.

Among the few women who were gossiping, there was old Ma Shi, who couldn't stay at home, and was full of money, either thinking about the money that she didn't get, or thinking about how much money Ye Dahe had hidden.

Knowing that Ye Laiyin went to the town to buy things, he couldn't bear it anymore. There seemed to be a fire burning in his heart, which made his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hurt everywhere, so he urged Widow Zhang, who had been friends with her, to go to the locust tree. play underneath.

But where is she in the mood to gossip with others?
She just casually agreed to what others said, and kept looking at the road outside the village from time to time. Finally, when she saw Ye Laiyin and his father approaching, she wished she could rush to snatch Ye Laiyin's pannier.

Staring at the basket behind Ye Laiyin, with slightly trembling hands, he poked Widow Zhang who was chatting, and gave her a meaningful look.

How can Widow Zhang not understand?
Over the years, old Ma has often scolded Ye Dahe in front of her, especially after Ye Xusheng went to school, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

She knew exactly what old Ma Shi was thinking.

This widow is a well-known gossip woman in the village, she is just a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. Seeing the old Ma's eyes staring at Ye Laiyin's basket, she curled her lips. What's the use of memorizing other people's things?

If you have the ability, you can buy it yourself!

It doesn't mean that she doesn't like to watch the excitement, she giggled exaggeratedly immediately, and then yelled loudly: "I said, second boy, it's not a day to go to the market today, why did you go to town?
See how full your backpack is,
Tell us about some of the goodies you've bought, and let's open our eyes too! "

(End of this chapter)

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