Chapter 1564
"You are the people around me, if you don't trust the two of you, why don't you tell me to trust others?"

He Xiner was in a good mood, and was pleased by the innocent little maid again, so she became interested and laughed and joked.

Luo Hua's round bun face was flushed with excitement, "My servant will not disappoint Miss's trust."

Wei Yu also showed her loyalty again and again.

He Xiner became more and more interested, "What are the names of those four little girls?"

"Miss Hui, the four of them are Xiaoju, Xiaotao, Xiaoxing, and Xiaoli."

Uh, the name came from, and the co-authors are all fruits.

He Xiner couldn't help laughing, "These cakes are all for you, take them and share them with the little girls."

"Hey, Miss Xie."

The two were overjoyed. My lady didn't forget to bring them something when they went out to play. This is not treating them as outsiders. It's really touching.

Just at this time, the little maid came in with a food box, and Luo Hua Wei Yu hurriedly helped arrange the food.

Two meat, two vegetables and one soup, although the quantity is not large, it is more exquisite, and there is also a bowl of green rice with crystal clear jade and attractive aroma. .

And Daha’s meals are packed in separate food boxes, a large bowl of meat and bones.

He Xiner chuckled lightly and said, "Xiao Yu asked someone to heat up the steamed chicken I bought in the kitchen, and cut a chicken leg for Daha, share the rest with you."

"There is also the jerky I brought, you share it too, so you don't have to spoil it."

"Everyone go to eat, I don't need anyone to serve here."

"Hey, I see."

The two servant girls happily responded, each took something, and walked out of the hall lightly.

"Huh? I said, do you feel that Miss is in a particularly good mood?"

Luo Hua with Baozi's face was lively, and she couldn't hold on to something in her heart. She hadn't walked too far, and she approached Wei Yu mysteriously, as if she was about to say something big and big.

For this, Wei Yu unceremoniously gave her a big white eye.

"I'm not blind."

Not only is she not blind, she also sees very carefully.

In the morning, the person who was still depressed and full of melancholy, now has a sunny face, and the sweetness in the corners of his eyes and brows is indelible.

This is not only in a good mood, but it makes her think that the young lady is obviously in the mood of spring and love.

Wei Yu's eyes flickered lightly, no matter how suspicious she was, she dared not speak out.

Don't think that He Xiner regards the two of them as little maids, in fact, the two of them are two or three years older than He Xiner, and they understand everything they need to know.

That is to say, Luo Hua has a straight temper and a shallow mind, and doesn't think about it at all. Wei Yu is a year older than her, but also has a calm temperament, careful thinking, and meticulous observation. She can see some clues at a glance.

Ever since He Xiner came back with a smile on her face, she had secretly murmured in her heart, and seeing her smiling brightly all the time, she became more and more affirmed of her thoughts.

So, she was worried.

The young lady was called away by the young master, so there is no problem. Could it be that the young lady met a young man on the way back home alone?

Although her young lady is demure and calm, she is also very elegant, and her generosity is even more unexpected. In short, she is not like a country girl.

But, but she is still young and innocent, don't be fooled.

There are all kinds of men outside, and I heard that there are down-and-out talents who specialize in seducing everyone's ladies and daughters, not only for money, but also for sex.

Oops, what can I do.

I have to think of a way to remind the lady.

But how can I remind the lady without leaving any traces, without embarrassing the lady?

This question made Wei Yu very worried, eating chicken wings was no longer delicious, she racked her brains all night, but she couldn't come up with a reason, and finally decided to see the situation first.

As long as the lady doesn't go out alone, she will never rot this idea in her stomach. .

(End of this chapter)

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