The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1573 Only the Three of them

Chapter 1573 Only the three of them

He Xin'er felt warm in her heart when she thought about her parents who loved her so much, and then wondered whether it was a baby boy or a baby girl in her mother's womb.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, she likes them all.

With the excellent genes of his parents, the little guy must be very good-looking, like Xiao Xuyang, he is carved with jade.

Ah, ah, just thinking about it makes people rare~
She closed her eyes and smelled the fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus, thinking of her parents and good friends in her mind, as if she was back home, feeling very warm.

A series of footsteps in the distance accompanied by laughter broke her thoughts.

He Xiner opened her eyes and looked, but she didn't know which little maid from the yard was playing with her in her free time.

She sat without moving, and only slowly got up when the little maids walked away.

The back garden at noon is quiet and quiet.

He Xiner walked in it, as if walking in a vivid landscape painting, which was a bit unreal.

Because all she can think about is her sweet-scented osmanthus tree, her gazebo, her fish pond...

A gust of breeze blew by, bringing with it a trace of moisture and coolness. He Xiner, who was full of thoughts, suddenly became clearer. She looked at a huge pond not far away, and a four-cornered pond built near the water. The gazebo, exquisite and beautiful, has a unique shape, which is completely different from the scenery of my own home.

He Xiner was very interested.

Maybe it's past the lotus appreciation season, and with the cool autumn wind, it seems that no one has been playing in the gazebo for a long time, and a thin layer of dust has fallen on the fence.

Taking out a brocade handkerchief and wiping it, He Xiner sat on the fence feeling the damp autumn wind, feeling cool and refreshing.

So, she thought about it again, how much money would be needed for a house with a big garden like this.

Seeing that the family is going to have a baby, it is better to buy a big house, with a big garden, the little ones have a place to play, right?

Well, you must never buy a simple second yard according to your parents' ideas. The money you earn is spent, and you can save it for what you want, and earn it when you run out.

Yes, I have to mention this to my parents.

Thinking about her new home wholeheartedly, He Xiner was almost dazed, completely oblivious to the danger coming.

It turned out that the Second Young Mistress, Yin Shi, was upset and sulked in her own yard all morning, and finally got really upset, so she took a personal maid and went straight to the back garden.

In the past, when she had something that didn't go her way, when she couldn't talk about it with outsiders, she would go to the gazebo to feed the fish. Watching groups of fish of different sizes scrambling for food, she always felt better. .

No, Jiang's liver hurts from being in charge of Zhongfeiqi, and the old lady is too good to He Xiner, not to mention the clothes and jewelry, but she even found a reason to subsidize it in a fair and honest manner. Yinzi, she was so angry that her heart and lungs hurt.

She deserves so much money for a bumpkin!
It really pissed her off.

She walked all the way angrily, cursing secretly in her heart, but the anger didn't subside, but the more she cursed, the more she scolded, and the anger hit her heart. She almost couldn't control her temper, and wanted to yell.

The Dafang is strong, even if the Da Furen falls, she is still strong, she still dare not be too presumptuous, let alone be talked about by others, so she can only hold back by herself.

It was noon, and it was time for dinner. No one would visit the garden at this hour, and she happened to be quiet for a while.

But she didn't expect He Xiner to be there.

Yin's face darkened at first, and then she thought about it. She looked around, and the surroundings were so quiet that a needle could be heard.

There were only three of them in the whole garden.

A crazy idea came to her mind, a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes, and she quietly gestured to Hua Rui, the maid beside her, motioning her to step forward and push He Xiner into the water.

This crazy behavior frightened Hua Rui, she hesitated and did not dare to go forward, but was stared at by Mrs Yin fiercely, she had no choice but to suppress the panic in her heart, step by step cautiously To the gazebo...

(End of this chapter)

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