The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1577 Let me hug for a while

Chapter 1577 Let me hug for a while

Knowing something was wrong, He Xin'er didn't hesitate, she led Dabai into the room in a hurry, Guan Mingwei took advantage of the opportunity to close the door, turned to the first room, tears filled her eyes.

"Brother Guan, what happened?"

He Xiner's heart was pounding wildly, her heart became more and more flustered, and she instinctively told her that something happened, it was Cuizhi who had an accident.

Her whole body was tense.

"Mother and sister..."

Guan Mingwei choked with sobs, and tears fell like rain.

He Xiner's heart was so violent that her eyes were sore and her hands and feet were cold. She tried her best to suppress the panic in her heart, and asked with a trembling voice, "Where are Aunt Liu and Cuizhi?"

Guan Mingwei looked at her with tears in his eyes, his heart ached like a tear.

Originally, she went to welcome her mother and younger sister with joy, and was full of anticipation to make a marriage with the girl she loved, but in the end, her mother and younger sister encountered great difficulties; the identity of the default fiancée changed drastically, and the previous marriage contract with Lao Ye's family was completely annulled.

How happy he was before he set off, how miserable he is now.

Such as destroying the heart and liver, he would be in pain.

"Brother Guan..."

He Xiner became more and more uneasy, could it be that Cuizhi has...?
No, no.

Dabai next to her gently rubbed her hand, as if silently comforting her.

"Niang and Cuizhi are gone. I searched for them with Dabai for a long time, but I couldn't find them..."

Guan Mingwei's heart ached to the point of numbness, he wanted to get close to her but didn't dare, he just looked at her blankly and murmured.

He Xin'er's face turned pale, and she felt that her eyes were turning black. Compared to when she first learned of her life experience, she had to accept her incompetence.

It's hard to imagine what it would mean if Cuizhi disappeared.

Tears burst into tears, "Where is your second uncle's family? Why did you watch Aunt Liu and Cuizhi being taken away? Did you report to the police? Did they not search for it seriously? I don't believe that even a trace No, we will search, search, and search again, we will definitely find it, we can't let her wander outside, we can't..."

In desperation, she spoke incoherently, and her whole body trembled in fear.

Seeing her like this, Guan Mingwei, whose heart was barren and dejected, couldn't help being sad and heartbroken. Before he could react in his mind, he had subconsciously hugged her in his arms, "Xin'er, don't worry, Something happened to my mother and sister, but luckily I met Uncle Zhang..."

"Uncle Zhang?"

He Xiner, who was on the verge of falling, was overjoyed immediately, and her chaotic mind cleared up, "Uncle Zhang is the most capable, he will definitely be able to rescue Aunt Liu and Cuizhi..."

She raised her head in surprise, and met Guan Mingwei's eyes. His eyes were full of indelible pain and love. In the arms of big brother...

This shock was no small matter, she hurriedly wanted to get away, but unexpectedly Guan Mingwei was very stubborn, subconsciously increased his strength, and held her firmly in his arms, he was like a lost child, hesitant and inexplicably wronged, he will He hugged her tightly in his arms, and whispered hoarsely, "Let me hug you for a while, okay?"

He is like a helpless child, lost in mind, lost in spirit, so weak that one can't help but want to comfort him with all his strength.

He Xiner has sympathies in her heart and completely understands his feelings.

But, but she can't be so friendly with people other than the big cousin.

It's really a dilemma when you want to push people away, but you can't bear it.

She was hugged tightly by Guan Mingwei, who was tall and tall, bent over and hugged her tightly. She raised her head slightly, resting her chin on Brother Guan's shoulder. Her gaze was naturally upward, and she couldn't see Dabai beside her. Can make small movements with the feet, lightly kick the pet, and let it help out.

(End of this chapter)

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