Chapter 158
The old Qian at home felt sorry for the money all morning, so he didn't have the time to go out and talk nonsense today, he just walked around in the main room.

Seeing that the sun is already noon, and the second child has not come back, it doesn't mean that he wants to spend all his money?
Just as he was thinking of going to the entrance of the village to have a look, he heard He Xiner yelling, saying that someone wants to steal something?
That's great?

I couldn't find anything to rest my hands for a while, so I had to pick up the broom bump behind the door and ran out: "Who has the guts to steal things from my mother's house?"

Thinking of what Brother Datang said, I know that her grandma has a bad relationship with the old lady just now, and I don't know what to call her at the moment. Let's call her the second grandma, her grandma will definitely not like it.

But she can't say that it belongs to Ye Dahai's family, not to mention the generation, she can't say it, she doesn't know how to say it!

I had to point to the direction of the big locust tree, "Grandma, hurry up, it's at the big locust tree, if you go late, your things will be taken away"

The old Qian was furious immediately, whoever robbed her house was going to steal her heart!
Regardless of his age, he was not slow to run under his feet. He ran away in a gust of wind like pushing two wheels. He Xiner was dumbfounded~
This speed is amazing!

Ye Xusheng, who had already returned home, vaguely heard He Xiner's voice in his room. When he put down his book, closed the door and came out of Dongkua courtyard, he saw He Xiner standing alone at the gate, staring in disbelief. look like.

Ye Xusheng walked quickly to her side, frowned and asked, "What's the matter? Where's the second uncle?"

With her grandma's ability to participate in the battle, He Xiner didn't worry about her father anymore. When she saw her big brother coming over, she grabbed his sleeve and started laughing, "Haha...haha, I'm dying of laughter!"

Seeing that she didn't seem to be in a hurry, Ye Xusheng couldn't figure it out, she seemed to be in a hurry just now?

Why are you so happy now?

Seeing her laughing to the point of tears, Ye Xusheng looked helpless, what could make her laugh like this?
Taking out a clean handkerchief, he gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "How did you manage to do this?"

"Brother Hall, you haven't seen the speed our grandma ran just now, it's like flying!
With a 'whoosh', he disappeared!
Thanks to her age, she is not afraid of losing her waist!

Haha, I laughed so hard! "

Is there such a granddaughter in the world?
Ye Xusheng hurriedly looked around, but luckily there was no one around.

Xin'er's tone didn't sound like what a normal child would say!

Like an outsider watching the fun!

"Keep down, how can you talk like that? What does it sound like?"

Ye Xusheng kindly reminded.

That's right, she got carried away a bit.

He Xiner quickly restrained her smile in a serious manner, and couldn't help but burst into a "puchi" laugh when she met the helpless look in the lobby brother's eyes!

Ye Xusheng was misled by her, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"Okay, tell your brother what's going on?"

"Oh, it's that second grandma I saw last time, who grabbed my father's back basket and refused to let him go, saying that my father hid the money back then."

He Xiner simply talked about what happened just now.

"I came back to call someone, but my grandma took a broom and ran away!"

After talking, I laughed so hard~
Ye Laixu, who was speechless, patted her on the head, "Shall we go and have a look?"

"No need, if Grandma makes a move, I'm sure I won't suffer."

He Xiner grinned happily, her grandma's toughness was enough for the second grandma to drink a pot.

Ye Xusheng has gotten used to his grandma's fighting with old Ma Shi for so many years, and besides, he can't get along with him as a scholar.

When he asked He Xiner, he was only afraid that she would miss her second uncle, and he didn't trust her to go alone, otherwise it would be troublesome if she got hurt.

He Xiner herself is not a lively person, not to mention the old lady quarreled, probably scolding very badly, so she didn't want to join in, as long as her father was fine.

It's said that her milk is out, can her father be okay?

So she is very relieved~
(End of this chapter)

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