The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1593 Big boy is getting cuter and cuter

Chapter 1593 Big boy is getting cuter and cuter

After seeing off Guan Mingwei, He Xiner thought about it for a while, and bought a lot of things with Dabai.

Before, she ordered Luo Hua and Wei Yu to buy some condiments such as star anise and prickly ash for daily use, but she wanted to deceive others, so she had to prepare more to be safe.

After all, she is in the He Mansion, and she can do whatever she wants under her nose.

So, she didn't care what she bought before, but now she bought all the seasonings on the market that she could think of, star anise, peppercorns, pepper, cloves, fennel, cardamom, cardamom, cardamom, cardamom Ginger, Galangal, Dried Ginger, Cinnamon, Angelica, Licorice...

There are as many as [-] to [-] kinds, which is not counted. There are also precious scallops, flower mushrooms, Yunxiangxin and other treasures, which can be said to be various and complete.

The seasonings are ready, and the next step is the tools.

He Xiner went to the blacksmith's shop and ordered a few iron pans, two of which were thin iron boxes with lids. Because she had no experience, she didn't know how the newly built oven would work, so she needed to prepare more something.

After paying the deposit and making an appointment for home delivery, she went to buy a small stone mill without stopping.

After surviving this trip, she bought a lot of things. Thanks to living in the county town, she could have them delivered to her door, otherwise she would be in trouble.

"Baby, what do you want to eat?"

With all the things that should be prepared ready, He Xiner felt relieved. She looked up at the sun in the sky. It was almost noon. She was standing on the street full of people, smiling sweetly and patting Dabai's head. She was kind and intimate .

Dabai Le Mimi rubbed against her hand, Hei Zhanzhan's eyes were bright and cute, like a pure and lively little boy.

"Ah, darling, you are getting cuter and cuter, my sister loves you so much!"

Dabai seldom reveals such a pure and innocent side, most of the time he is noble, elegant and majestic, like a high-ranking prince, the natural king's aura is revealed inadvertently.

He Xiner interacted with the big pet like no one else, hugging and hugging, smiling like a fool.

She likes the handsome and cool Dabai, and she loves the obedient and cute Dabai~
"Da darling worked hard yesterday, sister must reward you well."

One person and one dog kissed and clinged together for a while, He Xiner bent over and discussed with it, "Do you want to eat chicken or meat bones? There is a pastry shop on the street that is said to be very good, sister will take you to have a look, okay?" ?”

The big white eyes are brighter, obviously like it.

He Xiner giggled, "Let's go!"

The pretty girl and the smart and cool big dog are walking leisurely under the fierce autumn sun, enjoying themselves leisurely and very comfortably.

Before, He Xin'er came to He's mansion alone. At that time, she suddenly left her parents and brother in the hall. She felt desolate and lonely in her heart, her mood was low.

Now she finally understands.

It turned out that she was thinking about it, even if she couldn't live with her parents, the hall brother, and the others, and couldn't see her good friends every day, she was not alone. She loved her elders and friends who liked her, and always Miss her all the time, just like she never didn't miss them for a moment.

Moreover, the eldest brother has a deep affection for her, and she finally understands her own heart. Their love is so sweet, so she has nothing to lose.

He Xiner held a faint smile, thinking that it would not be too long before she could live with the person she likes every day again, her heart was full and bubbling with happiness.

She thought sweetly, it was because Dabai was not by her side, and she was in a bad mood just after leaving home, that's why she was so sentimental.

Thinking about it now, it's a little too naive.

She squinted her eyes and looked up at the bright and dazzling sun, feeling that life is so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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