Chapter 1596 This is quite evil

The old lady gave out the money from the head of the family, and taught Kong a good lesson. She said that the fourth girl had suffered so much outside and finally returned to the mansion. If something goes wrong, his heart can be punished.

Besides, Mrs. Kong is also a mother-in-law. Being accused and reprimanded by the old lady in front of the whole room, especially in front of the juniors, is like being slapped twice on the spot. pain.

But as a daughter-in-law, she didn't dare to contradict her mother-in-law, she just kept expressing her grievances, saying that she couldn't help but say a few words to her because she was angry with He Xiner for disrespecting the old lady, and it was definitely not to provoke trouble.

He babbled a lot, except for repeatedly expressing filial piety, and all kinds of oppressing He Xiner, but he paid more attention than before, and he didn't dare to be eccentric anymore, and provoked blatantly with a gesture of watching a joke.

At first, she didn't know why the old lady got angry, and it was she who suddenly became enlightened when she was defending.

The old lady didn't really love that cheap girl, she was clearly annoyed that she would lose face if she didn't open or lift any pot, so she stepped on He Xiner without any pressure.

Seeing her go on the road, a dark streak flashed across the old lady's eyes, she seemed to be ridiculed, and there was also a lot of disdain. She was not interested in seeing Kong's stupid look, and she felt that it was almost the same, the old god was putting on airs , sent people out.

"Bang! Crash..."

From Fu Xi Yuan where the second lady lived, came Kong's angry scolding voice, "I'm so mad at you, the dead girl was born to be Ke's old lady, since she returns home, nothing good will happen one after another!"

Originally, she was very angry and cursed casually, but she just felt happy after blurting out the words, but immediately felt that something was wrong, and she realized what the curse meant after a while, and then she was taken aback.

"Mother Jiang, do you think it's true?"


Mother Jiang's brain circuit was not as fast as hers, but she understood what the second husband meant after thinking about it for a while, and said in a deep voice, "This old slave can't tell, why don't you ask a Taoist priest to show you?"

Mrs. Kong looked at her straight, "I thought about it, since the little slut came back to the house, nothing good happened to the second room. My housekeeper was taken away, Mrs. Yin is fine, and the eldest brother around me died. Maid, she even made me sick from fright, and our calculations were in vain, and it was because she was scolded by the old man..."

The more he said it, the more he felt that it was the case, Kong's face turned pale, he was startled and terrified.

Mother Jiang was also numb from what she said, and said straightly, "This matter is quite evil, this old servant will ask someone to invite a Taoist priest..."

"No, no, that dead girl's dog is powerful. Even if the Taoist priest comes, he can't do anything to her. If it annoys her, it's not a joke to let the dog beat people..."

Just thinking about how it can stun a wild boar weighing four to five hundred catties, the second lady felt the hairs on her back stand up.

"No matter how powerful that dog is, it's still a beast. A pack of poison will clean it up!"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this? Hahaha, when that dog is dead, I'll see what she can do!"

The second lady laughed, as if she had seen He Xiner's tragic end.

Nanny Jiang knew her temperament, so she had to agree with her a few words, which made Kong even more proud.

Then Xingxing made up his mind and bought poison to kill the vicious dog.

"You must be cautious, and you must not leak the wind."

Killing the vicious dog with poison is killing the vicious dog with poison. Kong is really afraid of that dog, just thinking about those dark eyes, as if she could see what's going on in her heart, makes her feel terrified.

"Don't worry ma'am."

Mother Jiang is the dowry of the second wife, Kong, and also her military adviser. She has done a lot of things for her on weekdays. If she hadn't been around, she would have been eaten by the eldest lady Song with Kong's little morals. There are no bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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