The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1604 The result is Bai Deser 1 game

Chapter 1604 The result is white

After tossing and tossing all night, He Jiayu and He Jiajie were already exhausted, and fell asleep without caring about anything else.

But Kong was holding back his anger.

The two sons were bullied terribly, as their father, he didn't even show his face.

It's too much!
You don't need to think about it, you know, that fox must have deliberately pestered the master so that he would not let him go, just to annoy her.

It also let the people in the Hefu know that she is not valued by the master and embarrass her.

Kong couldn't swallow his breath, and he sent someone to invite He Hongzhang, regardless of the sky being dark, saying that he must call the master.

Speaking of which, how could the aunt have expected that it would be dark, and she would start making noises, so she didn't take precautions, the woman on duty only thought that the second wife had something important to do, so she rushed to knock on the door in a hurry.

Of course, it was immediately reported to the inside.

At that time, the second master He Hongzhang, who was nearly forty years old, hugged his delicate little aunt who could be his daughter, and slept soundly contentedly. After what happened, I was even more annoyed that Kong took the opportunity to make trouble.

When his son had an accident, he naturally felt distressed, and he would not let the provocateur go.

But Kong's practice of ordering someone to knock on the door before dawn is really not taking him seriously.

This is to put his face on purpose.

It is also faintly ridiculing him.

It is obvious that there is resentment towards him.

Therefore, the second master, who had a strong spirit of getting up, was very unhappy, especially unhappy.

A woman regards her husband as her god.

As a married woman, Kong should put her husband first in everything, and manage the inner house well, take care of the family affairs properly, and it is her duty not to add chaos to her husband.

But she didn't really love and respect herself at all, and she still secretly poked and resented endlessly.

Ignorant of duty, disobeying the three rules and four virtues, being jealous and jealous, staring at a pair of tricks and black corns all day long Yes, from time to time I have to attack a few concubines, there is no sense of dignity The temperament of the main room.

Hmph, without looking at what kind of virtue I am, I want to compete with his Xie Yuhua for favor, it's really whimsical.

When He Hongzhang thought of Kong's thin and long face with high cheekbones, he felt extremely disgusted.

Where else would you like to see her?
He yelled out coldly, and there was no more movement outside.

It's just that he couldn't sleep anymore, he was panting heavily with anger, and the charming aunt Qiao immediately spoke softly to comfort him.

He Hongzhang, who was woken up early in the morning and suffocated his anger, finally calmed down a bit with his warm and soft jade in his arms.

Embracing her young and firm body, stroking her silky smooth skin, the heart that is no longer young can't help beating violently, like a boy with a hairy head, yes, full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, he suddenly turned over put people under...

Let's say that when Mrs. Kong returned to Fuxi Garden, she dressed up happily, with the most gorgeous dress and most gorgeous jewelry, and looked left and right in front of the Linghua mirror, feeling very satisfied.

The master valued his two sons the most. Knowing that something happened to them, he was naturally heartbroken. He would definitely make decisions for them, find out the real culprit, and avenge his son.

She will also come to comfort her son's biological mother, his wife, and then she will take the opportunity to sue that fox...

Hmph, so that she would know who is the head of the house.

It's just a thing that can't be seen on the stage, and it's really ridiculous to dare to challenge her.

She is the main wife with two legitimate sons under her name, and her status and status are there, and no one can get past her.

She imagined Hu Yizi's appearance of being devastated early in the morning, not to mention the complacency in her heart.

As a result, Bai was stunned.

She waited until the sun was rising and the sky was bright, but she didn't find anyone.

And the little maid who went to call for someone said tremblingly that the second master just said hello and sent her away without showing up at all.

Kong's face suddenly changed, and he stared fiercely at the little maid, wanting to stare out two bloody holes.

The little maid was about to cry, and her heart trembled with fright.

It was Mother Jiang who sent people out.

(End of this chapter)

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