The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1608 Don't be in a hurry

Chapter 1608 There is no need to rush back
It can be said that the second room was extremely unlucky, several of them fell down one after another, He Chuer and He Qier were in a state of panic, really uneasy.

But there is no time to think about it.

After paying respects to the old lady, she immediately transferred to Fuxi Courtyard to serve her aunt, and she couldn't be idle for a moment.

He Qier's good friend Gao Mengyao came to the door every three days and two days, urging her to help find out Ye Xusheng's identity.

As a result, she kept refusing to say anything, and now she used the excuse of sickness to avoid seeing him, so angry that Gao Mengyao almost turned against him.

In the final analysis, their family is not comparable to He's family, and the reason why she has to be patient and make friends with a concubine is because of her father's will.

Therefore, as long as the He family does not collapse, she will be good friends with He Qier for a long time, and she must not turn her face willfully.

She could tell that a concubine is a concubine, something that can't be put on the table, even a wild girl who came back from the country can't handle it, so she is useless.

Hmph, it's just a country bumpkin, what's there to be afraid of, if it falls into the hands of this girl, she must be trained to be submissive, make her dare not face east, let her stand and dare not sit...

Gao Mengyao, who was full of resentment, couldn't say why, but she hated He Xiner very much, as if without her, that handsome son would be hers.

This is a natural enemy.


He Xiner didn't care about the affairs of the family, and only lived her own life, so she didn't know anything about the second bedroom.

The second young master and the fourth young master felt ashamed again, and repeatedly ordered not to speak out, even after the old lady and the second master He Hongzhang insisted that they would report to the officials, but they also sternly refused, saying that they couldn't afford to lose that person.

After discussing repeatedly with He Hongzhang, the old lady finally listened to his brothers and put the matter down for the time being.

Not to mention that He Xiner didn't know about it, even He Chuer and He Qier didn't know about it.

Having said that, even if she knew, He Xiner was indifferent.

She still doesn't know whether the second master is round or square, but the second room does have a grudge against the eldest room, so that they want to attack her one after another.

She even wants to kill her Dabai, so how can she bear that tone? Naturally, she wants to fight back one or two, so as to shock him, and even a warning. I hope she will be more conscious, and do less small moves in the future. Live their lives without interfering with each other.

As for whether Kong would make a big fuss and take the opportunity to bite back, she didn't think much about it at the time, and if it really happened, she wouldn't be a dumb person, so she just accepted it for nothing.

In short, that matter was over, the second room didn't trouble her for the time being, and the others didn't bother her either. He Xiner finally lived a peaceful life.

The various seasonings bought back have been dried and ground, and filtered many times, so fine that they can't be finer, and they all become powdery items.

The day before Guan Mingwei's rest, He Xiner prepared it herself.

She didn't order anyone to guard them specially, but the maids and women in the yard were all relieved, they did what they should do, and they didn't inquire about what they shouldn't do, nor were they curious.

Besides, with Dabai by his side, no one would come to disturb him.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu are the ones who pay the most attention to avoiding taboos, but He Xiner thinks it's not easy to use the hammer, so she calls her two for help, and they look at each other, and finally Wei Yu goes to help her, while Luo Hua continues to guard in the yard.

After a busy day, the harvest was not bad. He Xiner was in a good mood. On the next day, after a routine greeting, she took Mrs. Tan and Dabai out.

Mrs. Tan helped her carry things. Two ceramic jars and a beautiful glass bottle were either heavy or bulky, making them difficult to handle.

Moreover, the two maidservants stared at her closely, saying that they would not let her do it by herself, saying that it would be demeaning, and they were also afraid of tiring her.

When they arrived at the inn that Guan Mingwei had made an appointment with, He Xiner watched her put down her things, and said with a smile, "Mother Tan doesn't need to stay with me here, but even if I leave the house, there's no need to rush back, it's okay to go shopping and buy some things before returning." Not too late."

While talking, he handed her a small silver box and asked her to buy some vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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