The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 161 You Didn't Excuse Me

Chapter 161 You Didn't Excuse Me

"Big brother, I'm sorry~"

He Xiner blinked her eyes timidly, making a pitiful and guilty look.

Ye Xusheng was startled, "What's wrong?"

"What happened? You tell the elder brother, the elder brother will not blame you."

So, He Xiner plucked up her courage and said, "I asked Dad to buy three steamed buns, and I ate one myself, and Mom and Dad each got one. I forgot to buy it for the hall brother."

After finishing speaking, he pouted again, "I didn't do it on purpose, after a while, I remembered Brother Datang, but Dad has no money with him."

After finishing speaking, staring at him pitifully~
Ye Xusheng...

With mixed feelings in my heart, I pursed my lips, stroked her head, and said in a deep voice: "You didn't feel sorry for me, nor did you feel sorry for anyone. Don't say that in the future."

Is it necessary to be so esoteric?
Is He Xiner just pretending? She's really confused, she doesn't understand what is meant by 'I'm not sorry to anyone'?
Seeing her big clear eyes innocent and ignorant, Ye Xusheng took a breath, and said with a light smile: "Just because of a steamed stuffed bun, you said such scary words, you!"

"Isn't he guilty? The big hall brother bought me so many things, but I forgot to buy things for the big hall brother!"

"I'll buy you something, the big brother is willing, don't take it to heart."

Ye Xusheng obviously had something in his words, how could He Xiner think of it?
"Thank you, brother, I will treat him well in the future. When I earn money, I can buy nice clothes for brother, and dress him up handsomely, haha"


Ye Xusheng let out a series of low smiles, "You just need to eat for fun, and grow your body well. Brother, you don't need to worry about making money."

He Xiner patted her chest proudly, "Don't believe me, Brother Hall, I can really make money. I'll say hello to you today!"

Ye Xusheng was amazed, "What did you ask?"

Rolling her eyes, He Xiner said: "Today, my father and I were at the gate of the Huichun Hall in the town. We saw someone selling the kind of berries we picked on the mountain last time. They said they were called medlars, and they were dried. The medicine shop I can accept it."

"Are you sure it's the berries on the mountain?"

"That's the one, it's called wolfberry."

After pondering for a while, Ye Xusheng said, "Although it is accepted in pharmacies, it is not something that everyone can do. Those who don't understand may not be able to do it."

"Don't worry bro, I've already greeted the old doctor with white beard."

He Xiner explained the dos and don'ts that Doctor Dou told her to the big hall brother in detail.

Ye Xusheng knew that this medicinal material was dried, but it was not enough to talk about it, but it was not easy to spoil her interest. "If you want to pick it, I will go with you when the elder brother rests and takes a bath."

"How many days do you need to take a bath?"

"Well, five more days"

"But I can't help it, and I want to go tomorrow."

"That can't be done, if you encounter danger, you will be in trouble."

Ye Xusheng has a tough attitude and will never let her go up the mountain alone.

"I can be called He Cuizhi and Yuanyuan!"

He Xiner had already made up her mind.

Seeing that she was only thinking about her best friends, Ye Xusheng started to savor again, "If you have a good friend, you don't need a big brother?"

"Ah, isn't the hall brother going to school? I can't delay your study!"

He Xiner smiled and acted like a baby at him.

Ye Xusheng had no resistance to her acting like a baby, but he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he wanted to put on a straight face.

It's just that I don't feel at ease after all, "You three girls, it's not good to go to the deep mountains, so why don't you go when the elder brother rests?"

He Xiner tilted her head and thought for a while, the place where the black goji berry grows is indeed far away, Cuizhi and Yuanyuan are also little girls, so it's not very safe, so she had to agree: "Okay, wait until the big brother takes a rest , let’s go together, I’ll tell her two first.”

Ye Xusheng was finally relieved and smiled happily, "Well, that's the deal."

Hmm, He Xiner nodded without objecting.

(End of this chapter)

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