The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1618 Let's live together

Chapter 1618 Let's spend the holiday together

When He Xin'er woke up, it was already sunset, and the light in the room was dim and hazy. She was a little confused, and for a moment thought she was in Qingxin's secluded residence, her own bedroom.

"woke up?"

Hoarse voice, deep and sweet, sexy and charming~
She belatedly realized that she was being held in the arms of the eldest brother, the faint scent of pine lingering in her nose, and the clear breath of his body, tightly surrounding her.

He Xiner raised her eyes, and met a pair of smiling eyes. She stared intently, with a big smile on the corner of her lips.

"Big brother... woo—"

"Brother Sheng, um~"

His voice was unbelievably soft, and his kiss was even more unbelievably gentle, like a feather passing through He Xiner's heart, causing her to tremble.

The lobby brother is too provocative~
He Xiner thought so, but couldn't hold him back, "Brother Sheng~"

Cheating low laughter rang in her ears, and He Xin'er's ears were itchy and hot from the warm breath. She couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her hands, and then her little hands were caught and gently kissed.

The big brother is really...

He Xiner lowered her eyes and smiled lowly. Since they opened their hearts, the eldest brother seems to have changed into a different person, with a sticky appearance, like a pestering little puppy. Whenever there is a chance, he will pester her forever. Let it go, there is no time to talk about something serious.

Uh~ It seems that there is no serious business.

"Brother Sheng smells good, what is it?"

The girl's soft and waxy voice made Ye Xusheng's heart flutter slightly, his clear eyes deepened a little, and he gently pecked her forehead gently.

"Su Hexiang."

After a short pause, he smiled lightly and said, "Does Xin'er like the fragrance of the clothes when they are washed?"

"Well, it smells good."

He Xiner smiled sweetly, and said softly, "I like it."

Then she stretched out her fist and squeezed between the two, pressing against the other's chest, preventing him from making the next move, "I should go back."

"Leave later, brother jumps over the wall with you on his back."


"Brother Hall is jumping over the wall and jumping out of his hobby?"

"Good girl, stay longer, brother, don't stay alone in the empty room..."

He Xiner seriously suspected that the eldest brother was acting like a baby, but there was no evidence.

But what he said about guarding the vacant room alone made her laugh and feel distressed, so she didn't leave in a hurry, "Do you want to go back on Mid-Autumn Festival?"


Ye Xusheng held his slender hand, feeling extremely reluctant in his heart.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for the whole family to reunite. In previous years, they were together, and the whole family had a happy holiday. Now that the little girl has to face the faces of those people in He's house alone, she must feel sad.

"Brother will accompany you, okay?"

Just thinking about his little girl being unhappy made him feel distressed and changed his mind in an instant.

"Let's spend the holidays together, big brother will accompany you."

He Xiner thought about it carefully and then declined. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, He's family will have a dinner party. When the time comes, she has to rush back. Doesn't it mean that the eldest brother will be left alone for the festival?

Thinking of the dinner, she suddenly remembered that today seemed to be a day for a family dinner.

This surprise was no small matter, and she became anxious immediately.

On weekdays, I can go back to my yard at any time, but the family banquet is delayed, after all, it is not appropriate, if something gets out, it will be bad.

"Ah, it's getting late, it's night..."

She got up in a hurry and was about to run away, but Ye Xusheng held her back dumbfounded, "Xin'er, don't worry, it's two streets away, and I'll be there in a while, there won't be much delay, Xiner combs her hair first , it’s not too late to go.”

"Hey, I forgot about this, I almost ran around the street with my hair down."

He Xiner was embarrassed.

"Come on, big brother will comb your hair."

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly, and brushed her hair neatly, still in the same bun she knew how to comb in the morning.

Sitting obediently on the drum stool, He Xin'er, who was combing her hair by her eldest brother, was so happy in her heart, but she forgot to be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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