Chapter 1624 No rules at all

He Xiner looked at her quietly.

A standard oval face, thin willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of extremely charming peach blossom eyes, a straight nose, a small cherry mouth, white and delicate skin as smooth and moist as suet white jade, she is really a beautiful young woman.

In this autumn season, she is wearing a bixia veil with big peony flowers and emerald green veil. The cuffs and collar are embroidered with delicate twig patterns with gold silk. The cuffs are fat and fall straight to the knees; The pink narcissus scattered flowers and green leaf skirt stretches across the floor, and the golden silk thin smoky gauze wraps around her arms.

The long hair is pulled high, the bun is exquisite, and the head is full of gold hairpins and pearls. A gold silk inlaid with rubies and double Luan dotted with emerald steps are inserted obliquely on the bun, making it even more gorgeous and noble.

Ruyi Ruyi lock necklace with pearl tassels;

Ruby leaf-shaped earrings inlaid with golden silk;

Gold inlaid ruby ​​double dragon play bead bracelet;
Rings, jade pendants, sachets, brocade handkerchiefs, incense fans...

An outfit is really extremely luxurious.

The corners of He Xiner's eyes twitched. With so many things, she was not afraid of getting tired.

It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, no matter how sunny the sun is, it can't beat the cold autumn wind, and it doesn't feel too cold for this one dressed like this.

When He Xiner was looking at the other party, the other party was also looking at her, but quickly turned away, full of disdain.

"Hmph, things that grew up in the country are vulgar, not worthy of the status of a young lady, and still a slut doing rough work!"

He Xiner, who had been distracted, finally woke up from the entanglement of whether she was cold or not. She glanced at her coldly, then turned her head to look at Wei Yu who was covering her face with her head down. All the paw prints.

She wears armor.

Immediately, anger rushed straight to her forehead, and He Xiner looked at her indifferently.

"Did you hit?"

Clear and cold voice, without a trace of warmth, flat tone, indifferent and alienated.

He Lan'er was full of momentum, raised her chin, and looked at her sideways, full of disdain:
"I don't know how to be polite when I meet my elder sister? There are no rules at all, really..."


Before she could finish her contemptuous words, she suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then she was slapped firmly. He Laner was so shocked that she couldn't even scream. She covered her left face with her right hand, charming Her peach blossom eyes widened, she looked at He Xiner in disbelief, her mouth trembling slightly, "You, you, you dare to hit me?"

As the eldest daughter of the eldest son and the eldest wife of the Song family, He Lan'er was raised like a moon by the stars, even the patriarchal He Hongjin couldn't beat her.

However, due to the guilt towards the youngest daughter, the Song family treated the eldest daughter very much, and because the son was not her own, the good things in her hands were naturally tight to the eldest daughter first, and raised He Lan'er more and more arrogantly and arrogantly. .

There is a grand lady in charge of the He family, who would dare to stand up to her, or let her do her best?
Even after marrying into her in-law's family, He Lan'er relied on the generous dowry and continuous energy to seek benefits from her natal family, and she was quite happy. Her sister-in-law envied and hated her, but she didn't dare to provoke her too much. Bo Fu is a relative.

As for her mother-in-law, she is open-minded when she sees money. He's mansion has money, and there is Yongchangbo's mansion behind it. The mother-in-law can only be happy, there is absolutely no reason to dislike her, she is naturally satisfied with her, she has given her enough face, and never makes things difficult.

Therefore, it was the first time for He Lan'er to suffer such a big loss.

She was beaten, by a country bumpkin!

After she was shocked, she finally realized this. Frightened and annoyed, she screamed, "Hit! Hit me! Tear down this broken yard!"

The two nuns behind her, the two maids in charge, and the eight maidservants were all so shocked that they could not speak. Now that they were woken up by her screams, they all changed their faces, and they all looked fierce, licking their heads. The sleeves were scattered in all directions, and they were about to be smashed and smashed.

(End of this chapter)

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