The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 163 He Still Dare to Run

Chapter 163 He Still Dare to Run
Seeing that Ye Laiyin ran away, Wang Shi was relieved, and was a little bit dumbfounded, why did Mr. Xianggong live and go back, like a naughty child?

Wasn't it like this before?
But what's going on with this elation in my heart?

So, Wang also followed Ye Xu to study, pretending to support her head with her hands.

I don't know, I thought she was secretly sad while covering her face!

Wang can hide it from others, but she can't hide it from He Xiner who is beside her.

Seeing that her mother's face was flushed, and the corner of her mouth was still smiling.

He Xiner...

Isn't she blind?Is this really her mother?

He Xiner blinked and blinked, it doesn't matter, as long as her mother is happy~
The one who wants Ye Laiyin to be beaten the most is Little Qian. Just now she saw her mother-in-law beating her with a broom, but she almost didn't laugh out loud. Ran!
He was very dissatisfied with this result, and provocatively provoked: "Father, have you seen it? The second child is becoming more and more disrespectful now. Not only is he a prodigal, he is also filial. Mother wants to teach him a lesson, but he still dares to run away!"

Ye Laijin was also surprised by the second child's behavior of running out, but he had no objection. After all, whoever the broom hit, who knew the pain, the pain was unbearable, so he had to run?

His second brother is not short-hearted!
Seeing that Xiaoqian was about to die again, he stared at him with burning eyes: "If you try to provoke me behind your back, be careful, I'll divorce you!"

Just after being beaten, the wound on his body was still hurting, Xiaoqian was a little bit jealous, seeing his bad eyesight, he didn't dare to provoke any more, rolled his eyes and curled his lips, so angry that he was competing with himself!

Old Qian Shi followed Ye Laiyin and ran around the yard twice. He was panting with exhaustion, and the anger in his heart subsided a little. After all, it was a piece of flesh that fell from his body. broken?
He simply stopped running, stood up and shouted: "Scurrying so fast like a monkey, I'm exhausted."

Seeing that her mother didn't come after her, Ye Laiyin stood far away, and said with a chuckle, "If you're tired of my mother, I'll be guilty of it."

Among the three brothers of the Ye family, the eldest and the second always worked hard with their heads bowed silently, the third was the one with the sweetest mouth, and the old Qian who coaxed him every day at home could not close his mouth from ear to ear.

It's been a long time since we met, but the second child can say such a thing?
Old Qian was so angry that he laughed back: "A 30-year-old has learned to play tricks! I haven't seen you say a nice word to coax my mother before?"

"Mother knows that I am honest, I only know how to work hard, how can I say pleasant things?"

Ye Laiyin played super long today, showing off his tongue skills!
"Yo, now you can say nice things? Did you spend all of my old lady's money? Are you afraid?"

Old Qian couldn't hit him, and saw that he was uncharacteristically articulate, and he developed a kind of motherly heart, and made a rare joke.

"Aren't I afraid that my mother will be angry? It's not worth it to be angry!"

Ye Laiyin was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Made old Qian laugh out loud, "Oh, it's so rare, I only thought you were a stupid one, but you were sweet!"

"As long as the mother is happy"

That is to say, it means that people stand still and don't move, and they don't mean to come over.

Wang's face in the room was even redder, Mr. Wang really is!
When did it become this virtue?

He Xiner didn't understand, what happened to her mother?
Looking at Ye Xusheng with a face full of curiosity~
Ye Xusheng...

Pretending not to know anything, not looking at her...

Old Qian Shi was completely dissatisfied by Ye Laiyin's gag, and squinted at him, "Why don't you come here quickly?"

"Mother put down the broom first." Ye Laiyin stood still and refused to move.

This really made old Qian very angry, "You bastard, how dare you bargain with my old lady?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned, I'm afraid I'll tire my mother"

"Pi talk!"

Seeing that it was impossible to beat him, old Qian directly threw the broom, stared at him and went back to the house.

(End of this chapter)

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