The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1631 Be good, it's time to rest

Chapter 1631 Be good, it's time to rest
In Ye's house, Ye Xusheng's face was slightly cold and his eyes were dark. Someone bullied his good girl and his little girl, it's no wonder he was happy.

"Okay, brother, don't be angry, she didn't please, she was so frightened that Dabai slapped her throat, she fainted. Haha..."

When He Xin'er thought of He Lan'er being so frightened that she passed out, she couldn't help grinning like a successful little fox, not to mention how happy she was.

It is true that she deceives others too much, no wonder others want to laugh at her jokes.

Ye Xusheng patted the person in his arms, silently comforting him.

"What are Xin'er going to buy?"

"Oh, there are no pots and pans in the kitchen. I'm just going to buy some."

"It's not too late to buy in the afternoon, eat lunch first, so as not to get cold."

"it is good."

Ye Xusheng reluctantly let go of her, leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly, and smiled lightly, "Better and better~"

This is coaxing her like a child.

He Xiner felt sweet in her heart.

The lunch was very sumptuous, Ye Xusheng went to Hefeng Lou on purpose and ordered some of He Xiner's favorite dishes.

Sliced ​​chicken with hibiscus, fairy duck, mandarin fish in blue, jade belt shrimp, braised pork, crab meat lion head, plus two bowls of fine-grained japonica rice.

Dabai had a whole braised chicken, and He Xiner chopped up half a duck for him, plus two lion heads.

"Hey, eat more. If you eat the lion's head, your lion's roar will improve to the next level, haha~"

Ye Xusheng's eyes were gentle, and there was always a slight smile on his lips. Watching her intimate interaction with Dabai, his heart was warm, and he felt that the years were peaceful.

The door of the hall was wide open, and the two of them sat on both sides of the Eight Immortals table, eating lunch warmly, chatting a few words from time to time, most of the time it was He Xiner who was talking, and Ye Xusheng was listening tenderly.

"I tried to make sweet noodle sauce today, and it was considered a success, but this kind of sauce can't last, and it can be preserved for a long time if it is fermented."

"Do you still remember the cooking wine I made? It's also a good condiment, my mother knows how to make it..."

"Chili oil and pepper oil can also be made. It's convenient to use in restaurants. Well, it's best to put them in small glass bottles."

"Ah, there are too many things to make, so it's not easy to make them at home. Shouldn't we build a workshop?"

Ye Xusheng...

He didn't really want to hear about business matters.

In the rare world of two, he hugged Xiaojiaoniang to be tender.

Oh, even though Dabai is there, it won't hinder his two-person world.

Ye Xusheng's eyes swept deeply towards the little girl's pink and moist cherry lips, and his heart was burning.

After the meal, he tidied up his hands and feet quickly, poured tea for He Xiner, and actively poured half a bowl of salt water for Dabai to let him rinse his mouth.

This guy is greedy for sweets, and He Xiner was afraid that his teeth would be bad, but he made a rule for him, rinsing his mouth with salt water after every meal, and brushing his teeth every night.

On weekdays, Ye Xusheng seldom served it so well and thoughtfully, now, he was worried, if the little girl came to serve it, maybe how long he would play with it.

"Brother Tang, you didn't ask for leave with your master, so you are absent from class, right? You should hurry back to the academy while it's still early...ah——"

Before she finished speaking, He Xiner was picked up by the impatient Ye Xusheng. She was so frightened that she couldn't help crying out, and was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, it's time to rest~"

He Xiner blushed for a moment, this, this sounds so ambiguous.

She seemed to hear the strong and powerful heartbeat of the eldest brother, beating like a drum, and the rhythm was very fast, driving her heart to beat fast.

"Brother, big brother, the sun is shining outside, which is suitable for playing. Why don't we, let's go climbing, okay?"

He Xiner squinted her eyes, embarrassed to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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