The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1634 She Won't Have Any Chance

Chapter 1634 She Won't Have Any Chance

Thinking of those carefree and free days in Yejia Village, He Xiner felt a pain in her heart, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

The He residence is rich and prosperous, but it is oppressive everywhere, dull and airtight, if not for the caring maids, it would be difficult to survive a day.

She wished she could go back right away, back to Yejia Village, back home.

It's just that before, I always wanted to go back to my parents, but I didn't expect the change of identity after marrying the eldest brother.

Forget it, the best mother-in-law is the best mother-in-law, she won't suffer if there are big brothers around.

It's just a little more heart-warming.

That's also helpless, who told her to like Brother Datang.

After thinking about it, she finally figured it out, He Xiner let go of her worries, and fell asleep sweetly.

Hearing the light, shallow and long breaths, Ye Xusheng knew that she was asleep, and slowly lowered his head to look at the person in his arms.

With her eyes closed, her pretty little face is moist and tender, her skin is more radiant than snow, like a pearl shining brightly, and a beautiful jade shining. The smart and pretty girl's sleeping face is quiet and soft, cute and cute.

Ye Xusheng kissed her hair lightly, and his heart softened into a pool of spring water.

This is his little girl, and also his little girl, the girl in his heart, wishing he could spoil her with his life, how could he be willing to let her be wronged.

No one can.

Having vaguely guessed what the little girl was thinking, the corners of his lips were straightened, and his face was calm.

That's an out-of-the-ordinary person. He was already jealous of the second room, the second aunt and Xin'er. In the future, he will have the right and proper status of mother-in-law.

She won't stand a chance.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were deep and dark, his brows were cold and indifferent, and his breath also turned cold. The person in his arms seemed to feel something, and arched uncomfortably. He immediately softened into a puddle of water, and patted her gently, so The little milk cat felt comfortable and continued to sleep soundly.

With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, he was also satisfied, he stopped thinking about those troubles, and lovingly pecked the delicate cherry lips, with a sweet smile in his mouth, he also closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep.


Xiaoqian, who was hated by the two, is really having a hard time now.

Although Mrs. Cao lives in the old house, but she is the second roomer, she only needs to cook three meals a day for the old man, oh, it is also okay to cook something for the eldest room by the way, don't try to order her to do other jobs.

Xiaoqian was so angry that she wanted to find fault several times, but it was a pity that Cao didn't give her a chance to prepare the meals and tidy up the kitchen, so she went to the second room to be the pink panther, so she didn't have time to deal with her.

Ye Feifeng's condition has stabilized a lot, and she can take Xiao Xuyang with her on weekdays, but she doesn't like to talk, let alone laugh, the siblings are closed in their own worlds, and they don't communicate with each other, just stay quietly .

Unable to catch Mrs. Cao's work, Mrs. Xiaoqian put her eyes on her again and forced her to wash clothes by the river, but she was dumbfounded and didn't listen at all. Mrs. Xiaoqian pinched and pinched her, She didn't move either, and kept yelling and cursing Xiao Qian.

But it happened that Ye Laijin bumped into her right away, and immediately gave her a few slaps, and even threatened that if she didn't want to live a good life, she would go back to Lao Qian's house.

Lao Ye's family is rich, and the eldest son is promising, and he was admitted to the college in the county. In the future, she will be a respectable old lady of the official family. She is stupid to go back to Lao Qian's house.

In desperation, Xiaoqian had no choice but to accept his fate and grind Jiji's work.

Lao Ye's huge house, even if the west yard is divided, but the front yard, east yard and backyard, just cleaning is enough for her, and she also needs to wash the clothes of the whole family, and even more so, take care of the bean sprouts. These are too much for her.

Because there are only two laborers in the family, Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin, even if they hire people to harvest corn, they are still too busy. Lao Yetou no longer has time to herd cattle, and the fodder for a cow and a mule is left behind. On Xiao Qian's body, it almost drove her crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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