The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1637 Don't Worry About My Business

Chapter 1637 Don't Worry About My Business

He Xiner was listless, so she wasn't in the mood to cook. Thinking about the hard work of her big brother in studying, he would just take a few casual bites for breakfast and lunch, so he could make do with dinner if he wasn't good enough.

I'm in a bad mood and forced to cook, I'm afraid I won't be able to make any good taste, why don't I go to the restaurant and ask for some dishes, it's convenient and easy, and I can let the big brother eat well.

Having made up her mind, He Xiner will take Da Bai out.

"Miss, you have to come back earlier."

Wei Yu's eyes are full of complexities, she knows that her young lady's heart is not in the mansion, but she is the young lady of He's mansion after all, she goes out every day and returns after dark, after all, she is not decent.

The Ming Dynasty was open, and the boudoir girls could also go out to play, instead of nesting in the back house every day, not going out of the door, and not going in the second door.

But there really isn't anyone as free and undisciplined as Miss.

Generally, when a lady in the mansion goes out, she must at least report to her family and explain the whole story before she can go out.

The eldest wife is not here, the second wife is not in charge of the house, and the eldest and young mistress don't care about the young lady, so no one stops her.

Miss Liberty is freedom, but it is easy to be caught by others. If something bad is heard, do you want to lose your reputation?

Wei Yu was really afraid that someone would do harm to her young lady, a child without a mother to protect her is pitiful, yet someone came to bully her, thanks to Da Bai's ability, she fainted from fright.

But that doesn't mean the trouble is over.

In case, in case the eldest lady loses her mind and goes crazy, and she is determined to harm the young lady, then ruining her reputation is the simplest and most effective way.

Just how do you remind me of this?
Wei Yu, whose heart was about to break, was full of preoccupations, and her eyes were complicated and heavy. It was hard for He Xiner to ignore her even if she wanted to.

"Ouch, what's wrong with my Weiyu? A small face is about to wrinkle into a wrinkled bun. Come, come, come, tell me, who made you angry? This lady will bring Dabai to you." You vent your anger."

Well, I was in a bad mood, teasing and teasing the little maid, and immediately felt a lot better.

He Xiner's face was full of ridicule, Xingzi's eyes were bright, her smile was cunning and agile, her voice was clear and sweet, she laughed and joked with her lightly, she didn't look like a master at all, it seemed like a joke between friends.

Wei Yu felt warm in her heart.

She is Miss's person, and she really has plans for her, and there is nothing to hide, so she glanced at Luo Hua, did not avoid her, and confessed everything in her heart.

"What a worry."

He Xiner put aside her joking intentions, and said seriously, "Don't worry, she's not crazy enough to ruin the reputation of the sisters in the house, and it won't do her any good, maybe it will hurt her too, She is not stupid, and she will never do such a thing that hurts others and hurts herself."

Wei Yu and Luo Hua nodded subconsciously, then looked at each other.

He Xin'er knew that the two of them were sincerely looking out for her own good, and didn't care about their flirting, she said in a deep voice, "You two just guard the yard and keep the little maids from causing trouble."

After a pause, she said again, "Don't worry about my affairs."

The master has already said that, what else can Luo Hua and Wei Yu say, they can only agree.

"Tomorrow is the holiday, you guys make up your mind, what do you want to eat, tell the people in the kitchen, let them buy it together."

"Yes, the maid understands."

Luo Hua has a lively temper, and she couldn't help it when she got her master. She covered her mouth and laughed, "Everyone in the house knows that our life in Qingxin and seclusion is easy. The young lady is generous, and we servants will follow suit. Eat what you want, nothing is more comfortable than us."

Wei Yu also echoed, saying that Qingxin Youju is famous because of Dabai, and people from all the courtyards are very polite when they see them, and even try to flatter them, she feels that she has a lot of face.

He Xiner chuckled, that's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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